Limits on the use of a Temporary Event Notice

The following limits apply to Temporary Event Notices:

  • the number of times a premises user may give a TEN is 50 times in a calendar year for a personal licence holder and 5 times in a calendar year for other people
  • the number of times a premises user may give a late TEN is limited to 10 times in a calendar year for a personal licence holder and 2 times for other people. Late TENs count towards the total number of permitted TENs (i.e. the limit of 5 TENs a year for non-personal licence holders and 50 TENs for personal licence holders). A notice that is given less than 10 working days before the event to which it relates, when the premises user has already given the permitted number of late TENs in that calendar year, will be returned as void and the activities described in it will not be authorised
  • the number of times a TEN may be given for any particular premises is 15 times in a calendar year
  • the maximum duration of an event authorised by a TEN is 168 hours (7 days)
  • the maximum total duration of the events authorised by TENs in relation to individual premises is 21 days in a calendar year
  • the maximum number of people attending at any one time is 499 (including any staff and any other persons)
  • the minimum period between events authorised under separate TENs in relation to the same premises (not including withdrawn TENs) by the same premises user is 24 hours
  • the individual giving the Temporary Event Notice must be over 18 years of age.

On receipt of a Temporary Event Notice, if the proposed event is not within the limits, a counter notice will be issued and the event will not be authorised.

It is possible to give a Temporary Event Notice for any premises, including those which already have premises licences or club premises certificates. The Temporary Event Notice will need to state the dates and times when licensable activities are to take place.

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