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Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy 2022

1.2 General Responsibilities

The Senior Designated Safeguarding Officer is Jennifer Mullin, Director of Communities who provides the strategic lead for safeguarding.

The councils safeguarding Monitoring Officer is Chris Moister, Director of Governance

Designated Safeguarding Officers are:

  • Graeme Walmsley, Human Resources
  • Rachel Austen, Public Protection

It is not the role or responsibility of any representative of the Council to decide whether abuse is taking place. DSO's should take advice from a relevant statutory agency before deciding to refer reports, concerns or disclosure formally.

Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO):

  • will provide a point of contact for staff who need to test concerns about safeguarding and act appropriately, either seeking advice from, or making a formal referral to, statutory agencies regarding a safeguarding disclosure, report or concern.
  • will provide a point of contact with the County Council Adult Services Duty Officer and hold an up-to-date list of contact details for statutory adult safeguarding agencies

Lead Safeguarding Officer

  • holds all of the responsibilities of a Designated Safeguarding Officer but in addition:

  • will act as the lead officer for the Council with responsibility for safeguarding procedures.

  • will liaise with the children and young people's agencies as appropriate.

Directors and Managers:

  • are responsible for making sure that all of their staff are aware of, and understand the importance of this policy and related guidance.
  • will arrange for appropriate training for their staff and maintain a log of this training.
  • must make sure that any contractors, agents or other representatives who they have engaged to undertake duties on behalf of the Council involving contact with children and young people understand and comply with this policy.
  • should ensure that safe working practices are in place for their staff, and ensure that any staff without enhanced a DBS clearance are never placed in a situation where they have 'substantial' access to children as defined in this policy and take all practicable steps to avoid any avoidable sole contact with children by any of their staff.
  • will work with HR to ensure that all staff are compliant with the Council's provisions relating to DBS Disclosure. This includes assessing whether new positions or changes to job descriptions will require DBS disclosure.
  • must make sure that any contractors, agents or other representatives whom they engage to undertake duties on their behalf, which involves contact with children and young people, understand and comply with the policy.

Monitoring Officer

Has responsibility for receiving safeguarding concerns and allegations made against elected Members. The monitoring officer in liaison with the Lead Safeguarding Officer and Chief Executive Officer will determine the most appropriate course of action including referral to the LADO and police.

Chris Moister is the Council's Safeguarding Monitoring Officer ext.5160.

Human Resources Services Manager

  • will ensure DBS checks and references that refer to the candidates' suitability to work with children and young people are taken up for all appropriate posts as part of the recruitment and selection processes and that repeat checks are issued for employees.
  • will include appropriate training in the corporate training programme and ensure that Child and Young Person Protection training is part of the induction programme for all new staff with substantial access to children and young people.
  • will ensure that details of DBS checks (record of date and reference number), any details of child protection incidents and references of staff are kept securely and uphold confidentiality in line with best practice and relevant legislation.
  • will maintain a record of all staff that have completed a DBS check and are considered suitable for work involving substantial access to children and young people.

All Staff and Members :

  • should be aware of this policy and should commit themselves to safeguarding children.
  • should attend appropriate child and young person protection training if their role involves substantial access to children and young people.
  • should not begin any unsupervised activity involving substantial access to children and young people prior to receiving a satisfactory DBS check.
  • should be aware of this policy's guidance on best practice, appropriate and inappropriate behaviour for staff working with/or in charge of children and young people and the relevant codes of conduct and related policies such as the Councils Whistle Blowing Policy and Codes of Conduct.
  • should understand the Council's procedures for reporting concerns and disclosure and know who their Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is.
  • are expected to act on any suspected or potential case of child or young person abuse. In line with the existing 'Whistle Blowing' Policy, Chorley Council will support anyone who, in good faith, reports his or her concerns that a child or young person is being abused or is at risk of abuse, even if those concerns prove to be unfounded.
  • should challenge poor practice as appropriate.
  • should have regard to the Missing Children Policy and Procedure within the Sport Development and Play Activity team and seek their advice on

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