Accessing help now

Food provision and wider support

If you need emergency support now with food provision, you can view more information on emergency food support

If you need additional help or have further questions please contact Chorley Council on 01257 515151 or email  and use the description Household Support Fund in your email.

Energy and Debt

Please look at the links below to understand what support you can access, tips to maximise your income, what discounts and offers are available and how to access debt (including with your energy supplier) support.

Help for Households - GOV.UK

Cost of living payments provided by the government - GOV.UK

Grants and benefits to help pay your energy bills - Citizens Advice

If you have not received your disability cost of living payment, you should report a missing cost of living payment on the GOV.UK website

Benefits Calculator - Citizens Advice

Over 50 with a Workplace or Personal Pension?  Some people may be considering accessing their pension savings to help with issues like energy bills, debt, or to cover everyday essentials. Pension Wise which is delivered by Citizens Advice specialists. It offers free, impartial guidance to people over 50 with a workplace or personal pension and can help them understand their options. You can get pension advise on the Money Help website or by calling 0800 138 3944

Get help if you are struggling to pay your bills - Citizens Advice

Do you have a deduction on your Universal Credit payments?  Contact your Job Centre or put a note on your journal asking for a review

Do you rent your property from a housing association? Contact your association as they may have funds you can access

Support with energy bills - Citizens Advice

Help with gambling problems - Citizens Advice

If you require any support with debt you can also use the Citizens Advice webchat service

Or call the National Debt Advice helpline on 0800 240 4420 Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm.

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