View our building regulation fees.
Any non-standard fees will be calculated separately.
How to pay
The plan check fee, building notice application fee and regularisations are to be paid on application.
You can pay via online banking using the details below. Alternatively, you can call us on 01257 515162.
Account Name: Chorley Borough Council Collections Account
Sort Code: 20-69-93
Account Number: 63417069
Account Branch Details: 38 Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2DD
Please use the reference 'Building Control - your address'
For the inspection fee as part of a full plans application, we will invoice you for further inspections we undertake. You can pay an invoice online or alternatively you can make a payment by calling us on 01257 515162.
Pay a building regulation invoice
If you submit an application via the Planning Portal, you will pay the application fee via the Planning Portal website, further invoices for inspections will then be sent from us for payment. Please note, there is an additional fee submitting an application via the Planning Portal.