How much can I apply for?

The award of financial assistance is discretionary and will be dependent on the quality of the project and the outputs it delivers. An appraisal panel appointed by the council will assess applications against a range of economic criteria relevant to the application. The economic criteria considered are:

  • floorspace improved/ created (sq ft)
  • no of jobs created - this should be an increase in the total jobs within your business
  • no of jobs accessed by a Chorley resident in the borough
  • private sector investment
  • businesses supported by sector.

Businesses can apply for 50% of total eligible project costs and claim up to a maximum of £10,000 to invest in the range of activities detailed in this document.

Application to, and receipt of funding from, the Chorley BIG grant does not exclude the businesses from applying to and receiving funds from other grant and loan schemes up to the relevant state aid threshold.

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