Get tailored 1:1 advice

We offer comprehensive support and referrals for a variety of services, including:

  1. Confidence building and skill enhancement.
  2. Crafting CVs and writing cover letters.
  3. Interview preparation and skills.
  4. Assisting with job searches.
  5. Completing job application forms.
  6. Identifying available courses and training opportunities in your local area.

To access these services, please reach out to us at 01257 515151 or email us at, and let us know your specific needs.

Afterwards, we can either tailor personalised support packages to help you progress in your journey or direct you to external employment support services on your behalf.

We are committed to assisting you at every stage of your journey. If you are unable to engage in phone calls, we can make alternative arrangements to accommodate your needs. Moreover, if you are facing other challenges, we can guide you towards resources that offer crisis support, such as food banks, mental health services, and debt advice.

Alternatively, our Link Worker team can collaborate with you to address your concerns and guide you towards your next steps.

Self refer to our social prescribing team

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