You will not need to pay business rates for the first 3 months when a property becomes empty.
In the case of certain industrial properties this is extended to 6 months. After this time, most businesses will have to pay full business rates unless they qualify for a further exemption.
Some empty properties pay no rates after the initial 3 (or 6) month period expires.
These include:
- listed buildings - until they are reoccupied
- buildings with a rateable value under £2,900 until they are reoccupied
- properties owned by charities - only if the properties next use will be mostly for charitable purposes
- community amateur sports club's buildings - only if the next use will be mostly as a sports club
- properties where occupation is prohibited by law
- properties whose owner/ratepayer is entitled to possession only in his capacity as the personal representative of a deceased person
- properties where the ratepayer is a company in administration, in liquidation, or subject to a winding up order.
We will automatically apply empty property relief for the initial rate free period when you tell us of a change in your circumstances but you must tell us when a property stops being empty or any exemption no longer applies.
Notify us that your property is empty
If you would like to notify us that your property is empty, please email us at with the date that the property became empty. We may need to ask for further evidence or arrange to inspect the property.