Delivery of the Action Plan in a partnership approach

Chorley Council is in the process of delivering the above objectives and an Action Plan monitors progress of this. The key to success of this strategy is working in a partnership approach. We are busy engaging with key partners to collaboratively identify and manage future larger scale tree planting projects to assist delivery of the 10-year strategy for the Borough. We are collaboratively working with primary and secondary schools, individual households and community groups to promote the planting of more trees across the Borough through various projects as outlined in the action plan.

Partner Organization Objectives Scale of project Timescales Chorley Council Support or enable
Chorley Council “Tree Giveaway” Campaign To enable the residents of the Brough to plant a good quality small tree in domestic gardens and care for it long term. Organized tree giveaway days publicised through social media. The following species were planted; Cherry, Rowan, Crab Apple, Silver Birch, Holly and Field Maple. Twice a year 2021 – 2025 Future events proposed linked to demand. Enabled by Chorley Council
Chorley Council Create a Tree Nursery. “Grow a Tree” campaign Locate appropriate piece of land for a tree nursery Fund the creation of the infrastructure required -raised beds etc. Allocate council land for community woodland planting projects Explore the setting up of tree nurseries across the Borough to grow trees from seeds with native provenance. These saplings will then be planted back into local woodlands. Identify sites for new woodland creation

Identify land 2020.

Start to set up late summer for seed collection autumn 2021

Chorley Council enable with support from the wider community
Primary and Secondary Schools Increase the number of trees and wildlife areas within school grounds. Join in the “Grow a Tree” campaign Many schools have taken the opportunity of applying for Woodland Trust tree packs to create a small woodland edge to their playing fields. From Autumn 2020 - 2030 Supported by Chorley Council
United Utilities UU has pledged to plant 1 million trees planted over c. 550Ha for carbon sequestration and restore 1000 hectares of peatland. Improve the natural environment and to support our goal to be carbon neutral by 2030. identified several potential areas for tree planting to achieve these targets at a local level. The landholdings within the West Pennie Moors are currently being assessed to understand the requirements of the land and formulate a catchment tree planting plan 2020-2030 Publicity and volunteers. Chorley Council support.
Parish Councils Commitment by PC’s to plant more trees on land in the Parish Various projects across the parishes 2020 - 2030 Chorley Council support through land allocation, assistance and advice
FCC Waste FCC committed as part of the new Chorley waste contract to plant 500 tree saplings per year at schools and community projects within Chorley and local area. 500 native trees planted each year 2020 - 2030 Chorley Council are working with FCC to formulate a 10-year planting plan.
Chorley Council All departments to work together for the shared long-term goals. Planning Policy, Development Management, Streetscene, Community Development. Developments of a certain size now have to include a % of net gain for biodiversity, this brings an opportunity for tree planting on developments in Chorley. A new local plan for Central Lancashire is due to be adopted 2022-2036. Part of this plan focuses on the environment and climate change. Policies are being developed to support biodiversity, the carbon neutral agenda and tree planting. Ongoing strategy and policy Chorley Council to enable. Also support community and volunteers to engage in partnership
Douglas Catchment Partnership Working across the river catchment to improve water quality and raise awareness of the importance of the rivers INNS, tree planting, weir removal, green engineering, NFM, Love My River, Citizen Science. 2014 - 2030 Key stakeholder on the partnership. Project delivery on Council land
Environment Agency Slow the flow, NFM objectives. Yarrow Meadows project EA funded. Croston Flood Alleviation Project. Carr Brook and River Lostock Enhancement 2017 - 2021 Council land asset planted. Volunteer involvement to project delivery and success.
Cuerden Valley Trust An emerging vision to address environmental [climate change], education and a mass tree planting project involving the community. identified two areas of land that were tenanted grazing land to be enhanced for recreation by connecting to existing path networks. 2020-2025 opportunity for woodland creation and partnership working.
Lancashire County Council Highway green estate makes a very significant contribution to Lancashire’s landscape character, providing both visual amenity and helping to mitigate the environmental impacts of the highway’ to support parish and district councils who wish to implement initiatives that will enhance the visual, amenity or biodiversity of their local estate’ and, ‘to create a high-quality green estate that makes space for trees and maximizes the opportunities to enhance biodiversity by incorporating the planting of appropriate varieties of trees. Ongoing Plant and maintain trees on highway verge where possible with appropriate agreements in place. Maintain existing tree stock.
Lancashire Wildlife Trust - My Place Project Support young people aged 18 –25. Tree planting, site maintenance, etc. 2020 - 2025 Provide land asset to work on. Support staff and provide trees.
EPiC (Environmental Projects in Chorley) Local Chorley based charity group aimed at environmental enhancement. Volunteers. Tree nursery, tree planting, seeds for bees 2020 – 2030 Support, land assets, match funding, advice
Highways Agency Tree planting alongside motorways and enhancement of storm water outfalls To be determined   Advocate best practice
Farmers and landowners - Natural England, National Farmers Union call out for suggestions from farmers to plant new and enhance existing hedgerows and plant specimen trees in the fields. Farm engagement in progress. silvo-pasture and planting along field margins 2020-2030 support where possible, provide volunteers. Advice on future tree maintenance.
Housing Associations and Housing Developers Environmental enhancement of the residential areas To be determined 2020 - 2030 Advocate use of land for tree planting and retention and protection of trees within developments
Chorley Natural History Society Provide expertise on habitat enhancement and where can and can’t be planted with trees. Surveying and monitoring. Support with community involvement and education. Working with schools to plant trees 2020 – 2030 Partnership working and advocating best practice
Ribble Rivers Trust Lancashire Woodland Connect proposal and Connecting Communities and Natural Capital program Support delivery of tree strategy 2020-2030 Explore partnership working
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