An updated Corporate Strategy was approved at the Full Council meeting on the 19 November 2024.
Welcome to the Chorley Council Corporate Strategy 2024/25. The Council is dedicated to addressing the issues that matter most to residents and ensuring that Chorley is in the best possible position for the future. As a Council, we have a responsibility to deliver core functions and have a lead role in improving public services and outcomes for people and places.
We are committed to protecting and enhancing quality of life by safeguarding the environment, promoting public health and leisure, building a stronger economy and creating attractive places to live and raise families. Our Corporate Strategy sets out key projects over the coming year to support the council in achieving these aspirations. The projects that we have identified will help to address local challenges, create opportunities and significantly improve the borough.
The Council has secured significant financial investment from the government to transform the town centre. Our plans will create a fantastic space for business, accommodation and enjoyment. Chorley is recognised for its historic assets and rural charm, making it a great place to live and visit. Enhancing our leisure, culture, arts and heritage offer is a key part of this year’s plan, to help put Chorley on the map as a great tourist and visitor destination.
We want to ensure that everyone has somewhere to call home and will aim to increase housing provision and housing standards across the borough. Good skills help people to get jobs, higher and more stable incomes and a sense of accomplishment. We are ambitious in growing Chorley’s economy and are committed to harnessing local talent by ensuring we have the right skills in our borough to fulfil local employment opportunities.
In addition to delivering this work, we will continue to run the essential services that residents rely on every day, such as keeping the streets clean, emptying bins, making planning decisions, running the markets and tending to parks and playgrounds. We take pride in delivering high quality council services, ensuring that they are accessible and fit for the future. Through the delivery of our Corporate Strategy, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and pride in the local area by engaging with our community, listening to their needs, and working collaboratively with our partners. Together, we will achieve our vision for Chorley
Our Vision
Enabling strong communities, a resilient economy, excellent services, a greener future and successful people.
Housing where residents can live well
“Access to clean, safe and decent homes should be the starting point, not an aspiration"
Our commitment
- deliver affordable and energy efficient housing
- strive for good quality housing for all
- work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness
- support our most vulnerable residents.
We will
- Review supported housing accommodation across the borough - Looking at temporary accommodation and rough sleeper provision to improve how the council delivers housing services to residents in need
- Create temporary accommodation provision at Gillibrand Street - By developing units 17-23 Gillibrand Street into temporary accommodation to help house larger families who are experiencing homelessness
- Improve the effectiveness of social housing operations - By working collaboratively to determine if the Select Move Partnership and Allocations Policy are working well in supporting those people trying to access social rented homes
- Undertake an options appraisal around the availability of affordable housing - To consider how we can increase the numbers and types of affordable homes in the borough, including council ownership
- Take action to improve housing standards - By working with registered providers to drive social housing reform and with landlords to address energy efficiency and health related risks in the private sector.
Measuring success
- less than 150 long-term empty properties in the borough
- 75 affordable homes delivered
- 60% homelessness cases prevented.
A green and sustainable borough
"Green is about being responsible now for tomorrow's future"
Our commitment
- work towards our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030
- support waste reduction, reuse and recycling
- work with partners to retain natural habitats and improve air quality
- promote sustainable transport and infrastructure.
We will
- Create a carbon pathways programme - To determine a new set of climate change actions that will be effective in reducing council and borough carbon emissions
- Develop a Biodiversity Strategy for the borough - Reflecting on the council’s duty to conserve and enhance biodiversity across all its functions, the biodiversity strategy will focus on council assets, parks, and open spaces and link to mandatory net gain through the planning process. We will also continue to work with partners as they develop and deliver the Local Nature Recovery Strategy
- Create the infrastructure for weekly food waste collections - To support 2026 government reforms which aim to improve recycling and reduce the impact of food waste on climate change
- Continue to deliver improvements to Chorley’s Bus Shelter Network - Deliver year 3 of the 5-year programme to replace bus shelters across the borough
- Carry out renovations to the West Wing of Astley Hall - To support the ongoing preservation of one of our most important heritage assets and improve the visitor experience.
Measuring success
- 6 improvements to parks, open spaces and playing pitches linked to strategy delivery
- number of carbon pathways projects delivered
- 43% of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting
- 72 bus shelters replaced.
An enterprising economy with vibrant local centres in urban and rural areas
"Working with businesses and people to realise their potential"
Our commitment
- support business growth and expansion across the borough
- work with partners to support skills development and innovation
- work with partners to promote the district as a visitor destination and attract investment in our local service centres
- promote the green economy.
We will
- Implement the recommendations from the destination management plan - Including developing our place branding, communications and marketing to promote Chorley as a great place to visit
- Implement a targeted jobs and skills programme - By identifying interventions aimed at growing different business sectors and supporting specific groups of people into training and employment
- Implement a targeted business grants programme - To encourage growth and expansion of new and different types of business and business sectors in the borough
- Progress the delivery of the Central Lancashire Local Plan - To ensure sustainable location of development and investment opportunities that will meet local needs now and in the future
- Develop the Woodlands site - By evaluating the different development options available and agreeing future use of the land
- Deliver Town Centre Transformation - By carrying out urban regeneration improvements to three locations in Chorley town centre to create community and multi-use spaces for enjoyment, accommodation, business and employment.
Measuring success
- 2% increase in visitor numbers
- 200 projected jobs created through Chorley Council support or intervention
- % of 16 to 17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) will be better than the Lancashire average
- 600 business engagements by the council
- 0.50% growth in business rate base.
Healthy, safe and engaged communities
"Across the borough communities have the tools and ability to achieve their best"
Our commitment
- support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing
- reshaping of leisure services
- deliver events and places to go for everyone
- ensure all residents of all ages can access the services they need, physically and digitally
- promote resilient, cohesive neighbourhoods by listening and responding
- work with partners to join up public services so that they make sense for everyone.
We will
- Enhance the voluntary and community sector - Further develop Chorley’s ecosystem of voluntary and community sector organisations to extend our reach and available support in communities
- Deliver All Seasons refurbishment - By carrying out improvement works at All Seasons Leisure Centre to enhance local facilities for residents
- Take action to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour - By developing and delivering a programme of outreach support and diversionary activities to tackle anti-social behaviour in hot spot areas
- Continue to deliver the cost of living action plan - By providing a range of ongoing support and interventions around food, fuel poverty, debt, and housing to those struggling due to the cost of living crisis
- Take action on early years - By delivering outreach activities focused on promoting health and wellbeing, school readiness and improving attainment and aspirations in our children and young people.
Measuring success
- 340,000 visits to Council Leisure Centres
- 70% average improvement in wellbeing score following support from the council
- 50% of service requests received online
- 80% of customers satisfied with the service received when they contacted the council
- % of households living in fuel poverty will be better than regional average.