An updated Corporate Strategy was approved at the Full Council meeting on the 21 November 2023.
The refreshed Corporate Strategy is committed to making sure that the council continues to support the borough to thrive, delivering excellent services and a thriving economy to ensure that residents are able to succeed. The high-level document maps out the four key priorities for the council, and the commitments in place to ensure the priorities are met. The priorities are:
- Housing where residents can live well
- A green and sustainable borough
- An enterprising economy with vibrant local centres in urban and rural areas
- Healthy, safe and engaged communities.
New projects will drive forward action to benefit residents and businesses in every area of Chorley. Our commitment to the environment and doing more to address climate change remain central to our plans over the coming years with key actions identified this year.
Our Vision
Enabling strong communities, a resilient economy, excellent services, a greener future and successful people.
Housing where residents can live well
"Access to clean, safe and decent homes should be the starting point, not an aspiration"
Our commitment
- deliver affordable and energy efficient housing
- strive for good quality housing for all
- work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness
- support our most vulnerable residents.
We will
- Refresh the Prevention of Homelessness Strategy - By working with partners to address existing and emerging issues
- Develop and deliver a plan to improve housing standards across the borough - To drive improvements in housing standards
- Deliver the Home Energy Support Scheme - Including practical support to install energy saving measures
- Refresh the Housing Strategy - To ensure that everyone in the borough is able to live in good quality and suitable homes
- Deliver the Local Plan - Provide a clear plan for development.
Measuring success
- number of long-term empty properties in the borough
- % of households living in fuel poverty
- number of affordable homes delivered.
An enterprising economy with vibrant local centres in urban and rural areas
"Working with businesses and people to realise their potential"
Our commitment
- support business growth and expansion across the borough
- work with partners to support skills development and innovation
- work with partners to promote the district as a visitor destination and attract investment in our local service centres
- promote the green economy
We will
- Develop a destination management plan for the borough - Encourage more visitors to the borough
- Deliver a jobs and skills programme to upskill residents across the borough - Promote future career pathways and develop the future skills pipeline to meet the needs of local enterprise
- Refresh of the Economic Development Strategy to promote growth across the borough - Enabling and promoting a strong economy
Measuring success
- number of projected jobs created through Chorley Council support or intervention
- the % of 16 to 17 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)
- number of Business Engagements by the council
- growth in business rate base
Healthy, safe and engaged communities
"Across the borough communities have the tools and ability to achieve their best"
Our commitment
- support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing
- support development of leisure services and facilities meeting the needs of residents
- deliver events and places to go for everyone
- ensure all residents of all ages can access the services they need, physically and digitally
- promote resilient, cohesive neighbourhoods by listening and responding
- work with partners to join up public services so that they make sense for everyone.
We will
- Launch an enhanced Social Prescribing Service focussed on supporting family and early years -Taking an early action and prevention approach to support at families and children
- Deliver the cost of living action plan - By providing a range of support and intervention including food and fuel poverty, debt and housing
- Deliver a health and wellbeing programme to support the needs of residents across the borough - Develop a community-based health and wellbeing programme
- Delivery of a borough Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan - Work with our partners and businesses to tackle issues quickly and effectively
- Refresh and deliver the Transformation Programme - Respond to significant national, regional and local challenges effectively.
Measuring success
- the number of visits to council leisure centres
- average improvement in wellbeing score following support from the council
- average % reduction in GP appointments following support from the council
- % of service requests received online
- % of customers dissatisfied with the service they have received from the council
- % increase in visitor numbers.
A green and sustainable borough
"Green is about being responsible now for tomorrow's future"
Our commitment
- work towards our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030
- support waste reduction, reuse and recycling
- work with partners to retain natural habitats and improve air quality
- promote sustainable transport and infrastructure.
We will
- Continue to deliver improvements to Chorley's bus shelter network - Improve bus shelters and introduce green shelters to enhance biodiversity
- Increase the number of parks with a Green Flag status - Enhance local parks and natural habitats
- Deliver the Business Energy Support Scheme to boost businesses across the borough - Providing support and advice on energy adaptations and potential improvement grants
- Deliver a Rural Business Support and Grant Scheme - Create specific support packages for rural businesses
- Maintain and improve council buildings - To create a modern environment and attractive workspace to support the way we work
- Develop and deliver a plan to improve Chorley Bus Station - Provide a key transport hub as well as welcoming visitors to the town centre.
Measuring success
- number of bus shelters Improved
- number of trees planted
- number of improvements to parks, open spaces and playing pitches linked to strategy delivery
- % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting.