Roles and Responsibilities

The table below details the roles and responsibilities:

Role Responsibility Frequency

All officers (All Directorates)

Ensure they are aware of and understand the wording of the Privacy Notice and digital opt-in arrangements

All officers (All Directorates) Will make their line manager aware, if they become aware of any problems with the Privacy Notice webpage / opt-in function Ongoing

Line Managers / Team Leaders (All Directorates)

Ensure their staff are aware of and understand the Privacy Notice Ongoing
Line Managers / Team Leaders (All Directorates) Ensure any problems reported or identified with the Privacy Notice webpage / function are reported to ICT as soon as possible Ongoing

Data Controllers (All Directorates)

Data Controllers (All Directorates)   Ongoing
Data Protection Officer Is aware of any changes to the GDPR, particularly those which may result in the amendments to the Privacy Notice Ongoing
Directors/Heads of Service    
Chief Executive Overall Officer level responsibility  
Internal Audit Produce reports following internal audits, with recommendations for improvements in procedures Ongoing
Internal Audit Undertake spot checks as identified Ongoing
Policy & Communications   Bi-annually
Policy & Communications Undertake spot checks as required and identified in the risk assessment Ongoing
ICT Team The Head of ICT will have overall responsibility for ensuring online notifications such as Privacy Notices displayed as webpages and digital opt-in arrangements are operational As required
ICT Team To carry out necessary work to ensure webpage-based Privacy Notice and digital opt-in arrangements are functioning correctly and remain operational As required
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