Areas of responsibility

The role of a local Councillor can be varied, and it is up to each individual Councillor how they work. Each Councillor has three main areas of responsibility. These are:

1) Representing people in their area (ward)

  • holding 'ward surgeries'
  • dealing with enquiries from residents in their ward about aspects of Council business
  • undertaking casework
  • explaining Council policy and making sure that the policy has been carried out fairly
  • campaigning on local issues
  • winning resources for their ward
  • encouraging community participation and involvement in decision-making
  • listening to the needs of local people and taking their views into account when considering policy proposals.

2) Community Leader

  • representing the Council and constituents on local management boards, school governor committees or local partnership panels
  • participating in the activities on any outside body to which they are appointed and reporting back to the Council
  • developing a working knowledge of the organisations, services, activities, and other factors important to the community's wellbeing and identity.

3) Policy Maker

  • councillors can influence local policies through their role on full Council and their role on committees, which both scrutinise the work of the Cabinet and recommend policy development
  • membership of management boards of voluntary bodies and school governors
  • membership of partnership boards
  • membership of a political group, which meet separately from Council meetings.
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