The difference between a nuisance vehicle and an abandoned vehicle

An abandoned vehicle is one that nobody wants or is willing to claim ownership of. These guidelines will help identify whether a vehicle is abandoned.

  • run down or unroadworthy with flat tyres or missing wheels 
  • litter in or around the car suggesting it hasn't been moved for a significant amount of time 
  • significantly damaged with broken windscreen or windows 
  • missing number plates
  • missing parts e.g. bumper, seats, radio
  • graffiti on the vehicle

A nuisance vehicle could be any of the following:

  • poorly parked
  • causing an obstruction
  • involved in residential parking dispute
  • untaxed
  • broken down

We will only investigate an abandoned vehicle report and take action where necessary. A vehicle will not be treated as abandoned until it has been confirmed that there is no registered owner.

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