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Claim housing benefit

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If you pay rent for your home and you are on a low income, you may be able to get some help by claiming benefit.

The amount of housing benefit you may receive depends on:

  • who lives with you
  • the amount of money you have coming in
  • other benefits you receive
  • any savings you have.

Changes to housing benefit

Since the introduction of Universal Credit, Chorley Council cannot accept new claims for housing benefit unless you fall into one of the following categories:

  • you are in temporary or specified accommodation (customers in homeless accommodation or people who have a care or support package with their tenancy)
  • you and your partner, if you have one, are both state pension age

If you are not in one of the groups that can claim housing benefit to help with housing costs you can check if you can get Universal Credit on the GOV.UK website. 

If you are in one of these groups, view how to claim housing benefit.

How to claim housing benefit  Universal Credit


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