Driver licence

The licensee shall deposit his licence to drive issued by the council with the proprietor/operator for which the vehicle is being used during the time it is so used for that proprietor/operator.

Drivers licences are issued for a period of 3 years. 

Every driver of a licensed vehicle must be licensed by the District Council (Section 46 LG(MP)A).

A council cannot grant a licence unless it is satisfied that the applicant:

  • is a 'fit and proper person'
  • has held a full ordinary EU driving licence, for at least 12 months, for motor cars.  (It is Council policy that an applicant must be over 21 years of age and must have three years experience driving under a full licence)
  • is medically fit to drive a licensed vehicle (Section 51 and 57 LG(MP)A) and has been assessed to DVLA group 2 standards by a doctor that has access to the applicants medical records as necessary
  • has produced an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Certificate
  • has passed the Councils knowledge test
  • has successfully completed the training requirements as follows: 

All drivers must pass the DVSA Practical Driving Test for Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles or equivalent Council Approved Test. Those that wish to operate a wheelchair accessible vehicle must pass the Enhanced Wheelchair Assessment also.
Safeguarding and CSE Awareness Training.

  • submitted a completed application and has paid the relevant fee. 
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