
The Council is responsible for licensing Hackney Carriage Drivers and Vehicles, Private Hire Drivers and Vehicles and Private Hire Operators. For the purposes of this document this provision will be referred to as Taxi Licensing.

This policy covers new and renewal applications as well as any existing licences for drivers and operators.

Licences may only be granted where the Council is satisfied that the individual is a "fit and proper person" to hold such a licence.

This Policy is intended to give guidance on one aspect of whether an individual is or is not a "fit and proper" person; specifically, the situation where an individual has previous convictions, cautions, complaints, reprimands and/or other relevant matters.

In carrying out its Taxi Licensing functions the Council's primary objective is to protect public safety and therefore must ensure:

  • that an individual is a "fit and proper" person
  • that the public are not put at risk by individuals with a history of dishonesty, indecency and/or violence
  • the safeguarding of children, young persons and vulnerable adults

The drivers, proprietors and operators of licensed vehicles are in a unique position of trust in relation to the personal safety of their passengers and the information they have about their journeys, regular activities and routines.

Few people would get into a car with a stranger, but that is the situation when you get into a taxi. In these circumstances passengers may also be at their most vulnerable, such as being alone or under the influence of alcohol.

Few people would allow their disabled child to be taken to school by a stranger, but this happens regularly with school contracts.

Few people would give their holiday plans to a stranger, identifying their property as being empty for a determined period of time, but that is the situation when you book your taxi to and from the airport or train station.

For these reasons it is imperative that the Council has a robust policy for ensuring that all those associated with the taxi industry are suitable and safe to be trusted with the safety of passengers and the personal information they hold on individuals.

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