Chorley's Corporate Strategy for 2023/24 approved at a full Council meeting on 21 November, sees refreshed commitments to making sure that the council continues to support the borough to thrive.

The high-level document maps out the four key priorities for the council, and the commitments in place to ensure the priorities are met.

The priorities are:

  • Housing where residents can live well - delivering affordable and energy efficient housing, preventing homelessness and supporting the most vulnerable
  • A green and sustainable borough - continuing to work towards carbon neutral by 2030, promoting sustainable transport and infrastructure, supporting waste reduction, improving air quality and natural habitats
  • An enterprising economy with vibrant local centres in urban and rural areas - promoting Chorley as a visitor destination while supporting business and skills growth and development
  • Healthy, safe, and engaged communities- supporting active lifestyles and leisure centres, promoting resilient and safe communities, continuing to deliver events for everyone to enjoy

The full document and list of commitments can be found here: Strategies and policies - Chorley Council

Councillor Peter Wilson, Deputy Leader of Chorley Council said, "It's important that we regularly refresh our strategy to make sure it is in line with the needs of the borough.

"While we have our key priorities, we need to make sure that as a council we are agile and flexible in our approach to make sure we can deliver our priorities, and I am really pleased by the commitments we are able to make in this strategy, and that we will deliver across the next 12 months, to support our borough and its people to thrive.

"This isn't just a document to sit on our website, it helps to make sure that the council continues to 'make it happen' across the borough and will underpin all we will do as a council over the next year. Our plans are ambitious and innovative, and I have no doubt we will deliver great things."

In response to challenges facing residents, the key projects in the refreshed strategy for the next 12 months are focused on home energy, delivering a cost-of-living action plan and to deliver support services for families and young people.

Major projects such as improvements to Chorley Bus Station to ensure that it provides a strong welcome to the town and the development of a plan that will seek to attract visitors to the borough and support economic growth.

Delivery of the Jobs and Skills Programme will seek to support residents to access to skills and support job creation across the borough.

The council has also recognised concerns about anti-social behaviour within the town centre and across the borough. Building on work already undertaken, the council will prioritise work with the police and others to tackle poor behaviour wherever it happens across the borough head-on.

Action to address and mitigate climate change is cross cutting to ensure that all activity reinforces a commitment to becoming net zero, with specific projects to support energy efficiency for homes and businesses, as well as work to investigate options for future energy creation.

Councillor Wilson continued, "While there is much to do, with the new strategy outlining many exciting plans and projects, we also must reflect on what has been achieved over the last 12 months.

"Our Strawberry Meadows Business Park has been completed, as has our refurbishment of Astley Hall. Feasibility work has been completed for improvements to local service centres outside of the town centre, while a comprehensive skills and jobs programme has been ongoing supporting people into work.

"Our green initiatives have been thriving with our annual wildflower meadow and tree planting programme in place to promote biodiversity, alongside support for our local businesses to be greener. We also have a bus shelter improvement plan as part of the wider aim of improving public transport networks.

"Our second Extra Care facility, Tatton Gardens has opened with community facilities such as a GP and pharmacy and we're supporting residents right across the borough with energy advice and practical support. The Central Lancashire Local Plan has continued to progress with affordable, flexible, and sustainable housing as a key priority for us.

"Finally, we've been supporting families and individuals through the cost-of-living crisis delivering our warm spaces programme, the expansion of the uniform swap scheme and allocating the Housing Support Fun with nearly 7,000 households being supported financially to a value of £426,000."

The Corporate Strategy can be found at Strategies and policies - Chorley Council and you can keep up with the multiple projects on the council's social media channels @chorleycouncil.

Published: 23rd November 2023

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