Male sanitary bins have been added to the male toilets at two town centre locations, Chorley Markets and Chorley Bus Station, putting Chorley Council ahead of the majority of councils in the country.

Although these bins are already provided in the female and disabled toilets this latest move came about after a local volunteer, Ian Smith, from, got in touch with Chorley Council about the 'Boys NEED Bins' campaign.

The Boys NEED Bins campaign, is supported by charities such as They have been raising awareness of the needs for men who are incontinent and men who require stomas but have no public place to meet their requirements for changing and disposal of their medical or hygiene products.

Chorley markets

Councillor Danny Gee said: "We always strive to do what we can to ensure our town centre meets the needs of visitors and that everyone who visits has a good experience.

"We're pleased to be able to make this small change to our male toilets at Chorley Markets and Chorley Bus Station which could mean a big improvement for some of our visitors. This simple provision could make someone feel more confident and dignified when visiting our town centre."

More information on the Boys Need Bins campaign can be found at:

Image shows Councillor Danny Gee at Chorley's covered market

Image credit: Ian Smith

Published: 7th March 2024

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