Parking account 2018 to 2019

A section 55 Parking Account must be produced each year end and must include:

  • income from on-street parking charges and on-street parking fines and off street fines
  • expenditure on the provision and maintenance of designated parking places and enforcement.

These finances are governed by section 55 (as amended) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

For details of on-street parking please view Lancashire county council parking.

Income (£)
Off Street Parking Fines (PCN's) (87,584)
Total Income (87,584)
Enforcement and Processing 57,885
Support Services 35,826
Total Expenditure 93,711
(Surplus) / Deficit 6,128

Additional Information

The number of off street pay and display parking spaces provided by CBC is detailed in the link below.

Number of parking spaces on each car park

We also operate a small number of free off street car parks, Parker Street and Duke Street have a small number of unmarked spaces.

Parking account 2018 to 2019

Income (£)
Off-Street Parking Permits (70,981)
Off-Street Parking Fees (407,931)
Off Street Parking Fines (PCN's) (87,584)
Total Income (566,495)
Premises 181,491
Supplies and Services 35,054
Third Party Payments 83,288
Support Services 107,478
Total Expenditure 407,310
(Surplus) / Deficit (159,185)

Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act (1984) allows for a number of areas which car parking income can fund. This includes, but is not limited to, public passenger transport services, highways, road and environmental improvements including works to open spaces and the provision of outdoor recreational facilities.

The following expenditure was incurred in 2018/19.

Environmental Improvements 5,297.00
Outdoor Recreational Facilities 754,065.43
Public Passenger Transport 226,351.00
Car Parks 2,122,810.67
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