If you are a business or organisation that wants to get more involved in the wider community, then there a number of ways that you can do this.
Offering time credit spend opportunities
Time credits are a way of recognising the significant things people do in their communities. By giving time to the community, local people can earn time credits, which can then be spent on a range of activities.
Local volunteers are often looking for ways to spend their well-earned time credits. Perhaps you could offer access to your venue or a service in exchange for time credits. The opportunities are endless.
View more information on time credits on the Tempo time credits website.
Sponsoring a community group
Chorley hosts a diverse range of community groups, from those invested in the environment and conservation to those that focus on health and fitness.
Most of them rely on successful funding applications in order to keep running. Perhaps you could contribute towards a group's running costs, provide some mentoring or coaching or contribute towards that vital piece of equipment that they need.
For more information or to register your interest please email us at communities@chorley.gov.uk or call 01257 515151.
Community training
Would you like to share your knowledge and experience with the wider community?
We have collaborated with businesses and organisations in the past to deliver workshops that attempt to upskill the local community.
A most recent example is the plumbing workshops delivered by Jordan Williams from JR Williams Plumbing. 2 sessions were delivered, and both were very well received.
For more information or to register your interest please email us at communities@chorley.gov.uk or call 01257 515151.
Work experience placement
The employment service is always looking for socially conscious businesses or organisations who want to help local people back onto the employment ladder by offering short term work experience placements.
We are looking for opportunities for unemployed local people to try out a number of tasks in a real work situation and develop the skills needed to gain employment in a specific sector.
For more information or to register your interest please email us at communities@chorley.gov.uk or call 01257 515151.