Astley Village Community Centre

Astley Village Community Centre, 
Astley Village, 
PR7 1XA 

Book Astley Village Community Centre

A minimum of 4 weeks' notice is required to book a community centre.

Booking enquiries are made via our online community centre booking enquiry form.

Once your enquiry has been completed, we will contact you to discuss the finer details of your request within 5 working days.

View information on community centre hire charges.

Community centre booking enquiry

You should always view our terms and conditions of hire before hiring a community centre.

There is also further conditions that should be read for hiring out community centres for parties and celebrations. View information on special conditions for party and celebration hire.

View our public liability certificate (PDF) [154KB] for further information.

Large room: 90 persons maximum capacity

The large hall is suitable for celebration events, dance classes, sports and fitness and a wide range of social and community clubs and social events. There are a significant number of tables and chairs for general use by the hirer. 

Small room: 20-25 persons maximum capacity

The smaller room at Astley Village community centre is suitable for a wide range of smaller sessions and community groups. 


The community centre offers all the standard amenities including kitchen, washrooms, an accessible toilet and baby changing facilities. With special arrangements for regular hirers, there may be options to utilise the dedicated secure storage areas should you wish to leave certain items on site between sessions. 

The centre also offers an enclosed external courtyard suitable for groups wishing to undertake smaller activities outside the main centre space. 

The centre is close to the historical Astley Hall and park grounds, which offer excellent amenities and space to undertake a wide variety of outdoor activities.


Adjacent to Astley Village community centre is a large free public access car park with over 70 parking spaces.

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