The Herbert Protocol and 999 Reunite

The Herbert Protocol is a scheme adopted by several police forces across England and Wales, in partnership with Local Authorities and other agencies.

If you have a loved one, friend or relative you provide care for, or who lives alone, and are worried about them going out, find out more from Lancashire Constabulary 

Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) have been providing Guardian Angel devices to people living with Dementia since March 2017.

The devices are designed to help people that have conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimer's, or any other mental health condition, return home quickly.

In 2019, Lancashire Constabulary approached LFRS and North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) to produce a similar device called 999ReUnite.

View more information on the 999 reunite scheme. on the Lancashire Fire and Rescue website.

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