St Laurence's Church

A range of support available from emergency food parcels to evening and lunchtime meal provision available every week Monday to Friday along with activity.

Emergency Food Parcels

For those who are unable to access other forms of food support and in urgent need of food, St Laurence's Church can provide emergency food parcels.

If you require this support please contact Chorley Council on 01257 515151 and ask to be referred for support.  Residents cannot self-refer direct to St Laurence. Once the referral is made, a St Laurence volunteer will contact you to arrange delivery.

Please note - due to the emergency nature of provision, to ensure that St Laurence's can continue providing food to those in urgent need in the long term, there is a cap on number of food parcels to a maximum of 8 every 12 months and that it has been at least 2 weeks since the last food parcel was received. 

Individuals can also be referred by other local charities and health services

Open Table - Hot Food Provision

  • Every Monday 5pm till 5.30pm
  • Each Monday evening, join us for a homemade main meal and pudding, served for you at the table. 
  • Tea, coffee and squash available.

Taste Cafe

  • Every week - Tuesday to Friday, 11am to 2pm
  • Tea and coffee, squash, hot soup, rolls, a selection of cakes and fruit, all available inside St Laurence's Church. 
  • 'Pay what you can' basis, but donations not essential. 
  • Lego Table and Colouring Stations available for children.
  • Every Thursday Join 'Talking Tables' from 11am
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