Planning policy within the borough is currently contained in a number of documents.

The Chorley Local Plan 2012 to 2026 (adopted 2015) sets out how planning applications should be decided, and identifies areas for development and areas which should be protected from development. The Local Plan is accompanied by:

You can also view our inspector reports:

Central Lancashire Core Strategy (adopted 2012) is also used to guide our planning decisions. This document sets out the vision, objectives and spatial strategy for Central Lancashire to 2026. 

The Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan prepared by Lancashire County Council consists of an adopted Minerals and Waste Core Strategy and an adopted Minerals and Waste Site Allocations Development Plan Document. A Review Plan is being prepared and can be viewed on the Lancashire County Council website.
For further information and advice on the adopted Local Plan and the wider planning processes, please contact us by email to or by calling us on 515151.

Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide guidance on the interpretation and implementation of relevant planning policies particularly those in the Central Lancashire Core Strategy and Chorley Local Plan.

The following SPDs have been adopted:

Affordable Housing (Central Lancashire) provides advise on how our affordable housing policy as set out in Core Strategy Policy 7 (Affordable Housing) is to be implemented. It includes guidance on the range of approaches, standards and mechanisms required to deliver a range of affordable housing to meet local needs.

Controlling Re-use of Employment Premises (Central Lancashire) sets out our approach to dealing with the re-use of existing employment premises and sites in relation to Core Strategy Policy 10 (Employment Premises and Sites).

Rural Development (Central Lancashire) sets out our approach to development in rural areas.

Design Guide (Central Lancashire) provides an overview of the design principles we will employ when considering planning proposals.

Open Space and Play Pitch (Central Lancashire) provides advice on how our open space and playing pitch policies, as set out in Local Plan policies HS4A (Open Space Requirements in New Housing Developments) and HS4B (Playing Pitch Requirements in New Housing Developments) are to be implemented. This includes guidance on provision standards, how they will be applied; along with the accessibility and qualitative assessments, to determine the amount of new open space and playing pitch provision or appropriate financial contributions required from new residential developments. The SPD includes a Financial Contributions schedule for new provision/improvements.

Biodiversity and Nature Conservation (Central Lancashire) provides guidance on biodiversity and nature conservation. It provides information on how to consider planning proposals having an impact on ecological networks, which are links between sites of biodiversity importance. Further information is provided in the Lancashire Ecological Network Approach and Analysis.

Employment Skills (Central Lancashire) sets out our requirement to see additional benefits (known as social value) incorporated into housing and commercial development opportunities. The SPD provides guidance in relation to thresholds and the preparation of an Employment and Skills Plan. Regards should also be had to the National Skills Academy for Construction Toolkit (NSAfC) and associated Client Based approach on the CITB website.

Access to Healthy Food (Central Lancashire) - this is not being used by the council - pending a review.

Renewable and Low Carbon Energy (Chorley Council) provides further guidance on Core Strategy Policies 27 (Sustainable Resources and New Developments). View the Position Statement following the Deregulation Act 2015 and 28 (Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Schemes)

Householder Design Guidance (Chorley Council) relates to the design standards set within Core Strategy Policy 17 on Design of New Buildings; Local Plan Policy HS5 on House Extensions; Local Plan Policy BNE1 on Design Criteria for New Development and the Central Lancashire Design SPD (2012). It sets out the general principles which should be considered when designing an extension and gives specific advice on particular types of extensions and alterations which should be addressed as part of any planning application

Appendix 2 of the Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Guidance (Chorley Council 2004) refers to guidelines for new housing developments.

Statement of Community Involvement 

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted in April 2019. The document provides the community and other interested parties with clarity on the levels of involvement in the planning process. It details how we will consult in relation to preparing planning policy documents and in determining planning applications.

Neighbourhood planning 

Neighbourhood planning gives town and parish councils the opportunity to prepare, with the community they represent, a planning document for their area.

If you would like to talk to us about any aspect of neighbourhood planning please contact us by email to or call us on 01257 515151

View Bretherton Neighbourhood Plan

View Coppull Neighbourhood Plan

View Mawdesley Neighbourhood Plan

Useful information and guidance on Neighbourhood Planning

View information on neighbourhood planning, including funding on the website.

View information on neighbourhood planning on the GOV.UK website.

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