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New premises licence

A premises licence is the usual way a business will authorise their premises to carry on licensable activities. 


Guidance and application

If you want to apply for a premises licence, you should read our premises licence guidance. You are also encouraged to contact us by email to, before submitting your application. 

You should also read our statement of licensing policy (PDF) [825KB] .

Applications are submitted using the GOV.UK website.

Apply for a premises licence


Advertising your application

You must advertise your application at the premises for the full 28 day consultation period, which starts the day after the day you serve your application. This notice must be on pale blue paper.

Download a sample public notice (Word doc) [13KB] .

You must also arrange for this notice to be published in a local newspaper within the first 10 working days of the consultation period.

Full details of the advertising requirements are in the premises licence guidance .


Planning permission

You should check with us that you have planning permission for the particular use of the premises. It is advisable to do this before submitting a licensing application. 


Premises licence fees

The fees for an application are based on the non-domestic rateable value (NDRV) of the premises and are set by central government. You will find the rateable value for your premises by visiting the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website. Further information about fees can be found in the Licensing Act fees guidance


Responsible authorities

View contact information for relevant responsible authorities.



If you carry on a licensable activity without an authorisation, you commit a criminal offence and the penalty is severe- imprisonment for 6 months, an unlimited fine or both. If you have any questions about whether what you propose to do is a licensable activity, you should contact us by email to


Designated premises supervisor

If you want to sell alcohol under a premises licence, you must specify an individual as the designated premises supervisor (DPS). This person must hold a personal licence and is the person who should be in day to day control of the premises. 

You will need to provide the consent to be designated of the person you want to be the DPS. You can download the form and attach to your application for a premises licence. 

Designated premises supervisor consent

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