
5.1 There are a number of ways to deter potential fraudsters from committing or attempting fraudulent or corrupt acts, whether they are inside and/or outside of the Councils, and these include:- • Publicising the fact that the Council is firmly set against fraud and corruption and states this at every appropriate opportunity - e.g., publicising the Whistleblowing arrangements, clauses in contracts, statements on benefits claim forms and publications etc.;

  • Acting robustly and decisively when fraud and corruption are suspected and proven - e.g., the termination of contracts, dismissal and prosecution etc.;
  • Taking action to effect the maximum recoveries for the Council - e.g. through agreement, Court action, penalties and insurance etc.;
  • The Council's head of Communications and Visitor Economy will optimise the publicity opportunities associated with anti-fraud and corruption activity within the authority. Where appropriate, the results of any action taken, including prosecutions, will be reported in the media.
  • Having sound internal control systems that still allow for innovation, but at the same time do not provide the opportunity for fraud and corruption.
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