Other conditions relating to senior management and other employees

Pension arrangements

All permanent and temporary employees, including senior management, are entitled to join the Local Government Pension Scheme if they so wish. No alternative options are available should employees not wish to join the scheme.

Enhancements to employee's pension entitlements will not normally be provided for any council employee, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Performance related pay

Chorley Council does not have any scheme relating to performance related pay for any employees including Senior Management.


Chorley Council does not have any schemes relating to the payment of bonuses for any employees including Senior Management, and therefore none are received.

Payments on the termination of employment

An employee being made redundant would receive a payment in accordance with the council's Redundancy Policy which is applicable to all permanent and temporary employees. Payments are based upon the statutory redundancy ready reckoner and the employee's actual weekly wage with no automatic further enhancements to redundancy payments. Additional payments may be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Adherence will be made to any restriction of public sector exit payments that may be implemented during the period of this Pay Policy Statement.

Senior Managers returning to Chorley Council

The Relevant Appointment Panel would consider applications from former Senior Managers of either Chorley Council or another local authority who received either a redundancy payment or who was in receipt of a Local Government Pension, to determine whether it would be appropriate to appoint them to a Senior Management post within Chorley Council.

Professional subscriptions

A number of employees are members of professional organisations in connection with their employment at the council though membership is not essential to enable them to undertake their duties on behalf of the council. Therefore, it is the policy of the council to only pay for an employee's subscription to a professional organisation where they have a statutory responsibility. See note above re professional subscriptions for Deputy 151 officer.

Health care

Chorley Council pays for all employees, including the senior managers detailed within this policy, to have level 1 access to a Health Care Plan, if they so wish. For all those employees participating in the scheme the value of the benefit is £66 per employee per annum. Anyone wanting to increase the level of cover, or include partners or spouses on the Health Care Plan must pay any additional premium themselves, through their salary.

Car lease scheme

Employees on all Principal Officer (PO) grades can access the car lease scheme which provides a 7.5% of salary contribution to a vehicle. This scheme cannot be accessed by employees within the Shared Services roles, who receive a salary enhancement in lieu of it.

Reservists leave

The council will grant up to an additional 10 days (pro-rata for part-time employees) of paid leave per annum to employees who are Reservists under the 'Special Leave for Public Duties' to attend military training and annual camp.

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