Shared Services

There are a number of service areas which are shared between Chorley Borough Council and South Ribble Borough Council detailed below:

  • Communications and Visitor Economy
  • Transformation and Partnerships
  • IT Services
  • Customer Services
  • Audit and Risk
  • Legal Services
  • Financial Services
  • Customer and Digital
  • Democratic, Scrutiny & Electoral Services

In order to amalgamate services from the different councils it was necessary to implement a new pay structure, still based upon the nationally negotiated pay spine, for employees from both councils to be paid in accordance with. A copy of the new pay structure is at the end of this policy. In order to ensure equality for employees from each Council, employees on levels 10 to 17 receive an additional 6% of salary in lieu of access to the lease car scheme for which former Chorley Council employees previously had access to. Chorley Council employees who transferred to the Shared Services Pay structure with a lease car agreement in place will retain their lease car for the period of any current agreement (3 years) and would then no longer have access to the scheme and will move onto the 6% travel allowance. For details of the lease car scheme refer to section 6.

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