Senior Management Remuneration

The Localism Act refers to Chief Officers and Deputies, though it should be noted that the definition is very broad and relates to Metropolitan and County Council's as well as much smaller District Council's with far fewer management levels, such as Chorley Council. Therefore, for the purpose of this policy, senior management is determined by those officers who are paid in accordance with the Chief Officer and Chief Executive National Conditions of Service, i.e.:

  • The Chief Executive
  • Deputy Chief Executive
  • Director (Customer & Digital)
  • Director (Commercial Services)
  • Director of Finance - S151 Officer
  • Director (Governance) - Monitoring Officer
  • Director (Communities)
  • Director (Planning and Development)

Senior Management pay increases

The JNC for Chief Executives and the JNC for Chief Officers negotiate the pay awards for these employees and the employers side have offered a full and final pay settlement of 1.5%, which the Staff Sides of both groups have rejected. Therefore, the levels of remuneration will remain at the 2020/21 levels until any agreement is reached, and consideration is given to the pay award in light of the current levels of remuneration for senior management, though not necessarily increased in line with it.

Chief Executive

Prior to the appointment of a Chief Executive, Full Council will determine the salary of the post to be advertised. Appointment to the post is undertaken by the Shared Services Joint Appointment Panel, the membership of which is agreed annually by Full Council, and the panel would make a recommendation to appoint which must be then approved by Full Council.

The level of salary for the Chief Executive, who is the Head of Paid Services, was set by the council at £145,000. The Chief Executive has responsibility for both Chorley Borough Council and South Ribble Borough Council, and the salary was set to reflect those responsibilities, and the post is currently employed by South Ribble Borough Council.

This figure is a single spot point and therefore there is no incremental progression. The salary was effective from 1 April 2020 and will continue until agreement of the pay award for 2021/22 has been agreed and consideration of the award is given, as detailed above.

The Chief Executive will also take on the role of Returning Officer for any Local, National and European elections, payment for which will be in accordance with the statutory calculation.

Any fees earned through the role of Chief Executive or in respect of intellectual property gained through the role of Chief Executive would be payable to the council. Furthermore, the Chief Executive would not normally be entitled to undertake any other gainful employment.

Professional fees, where membership of a particular professional organisation is required by the council for the Chief Executive to carry out the full role of the post, will be reimbursed.

Comparison of the Chief Executive salary level to the median salary level within Chorley Council (required under the Localism Act 2011). The median figure excludes casual employees who are only employed on an ad hoc or occasional basis.

Chief Executive Salary (including lease car contribution) Median salary (SCP 25) Ratio
£145,000 £24,491 1:5.9

Deputy Chief Executive

Prior to the appointment of any Director, Full Council will determine the salary of the post to be advertised. Appointment to the post is undertaken by the Shared Service Appointment Panel, with the final appointment agreed by Full Council.

The level of salary for the Deputy Chief Executive is a single spot salary of £102,750.

This amount is reviewed in accordance with any pay award settlement for Chief Officers, though not necessarily increased in line with any award. As this figure is a single spot point there is no incremental progression. However, the rate of pay would be reviewed in light of any national agreements relating to pay awards under the Chief Officers Conditions of Service.

The level of pay for the Deputy Chief Executive was set with regard to:

  • the post works across Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council with whom we have a number of shared services which are expanding
  • the wide range of functions which the Deputy Chief Executive is responsible for
  • market analysis of similar posts within other local authorities
  • deputising function for the Chief Executive.

Should the Deputy Chief Executive or the other Directors detailed below participate in any of the electoral processes, then a relevant payment would be made, from monies received for carrying out elections, depending upon the role which they undertook.

Any fees earned through the role of Deputy Chief Executive or the other Directors detailed below or in respect of intellectual property gained through their role of Director would be payable to the council. Furthermore, the Deputy Chief Executive or the other Directors detailed below would not normally be entitled to undertake any other gainful employment.

Comparison of the Deputy Chief Executive level to the median salary level within Chorley Council (required under the Localism Act 2011). The median figure excludes casual employees who are only employed on an ad hoc or occasional basis.

Deputy Chief Executive Salary (including lease car contribution) Median salary (SCP 25) Ratio
£102,750 £24,491 1:4.2


As detailed within Section 3, Chorley Council has a number of shared services with South Ribble Borough Council. All the Director employed by Chorley Council have responsibility for services across the 2 councils. Similarly, the Director of Communities, Director of Planning and Development and Director of Governance, similarly have responsibility across the two councils and as they are employed by South Ribble Borough Council (SRBC), details of their remuneration is contained within the SRBC pay policy.

Directors employed by Chorley Council

  • Director (Customer and Digital)
  • Director (Commercial Services) 
  • Director of Finance

Prior to the appointment of any Director Full Council will determine the salary of the post to be advertised. Appointment to the post is undertaken by the Shared Services Joint Appointment Panel, the membership of which is agreed annually by Full Council. The level of salary for all the Directors are all single spot salaries.

Details of the annual salaries are shown below:

  • Director (Customer and Digital) - salary band of £75,000 to £80,000 (plus a supplement of £10,000 for undertaking the responsibility of the Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) for both Chorley and South Ribble Borough Councils)
  • Director (Commercial Services) - salary band of £75,000 to £80,000.
  • Director of Finance - £75,000 plus an annual market supplement of £7,500

These amounts are reviewed in accordance with any pay award settlement for Chief Officers, though not necessarily increased in line with any award. The rate of pay would be reviewed in light of any national agreements relating to pay awards under the Chief Officers Conditions of Service, as detailed above.

The level of pay for the Directors was set with regard to:

  • the wide range of functions which the Directors are responsible for.
  • market analysis of similar posts within other local authorities.
  • further details regarding the rationale for the specific Director posts is at the end of this policy.

Comparison of the Directors salary levels to the median salary level within Chorley Council (required under the Localism Act 2011). The median figure excludes casual employees who are only employed on an ad hoc or occasional basis.

Director Salary (including lease car contribution) Median salary (SCP 25) Ratio
Director of Customer & Digital £75,000 - £90,000 £24,491 1:3.7 (at maximum of salary band and including SIRO responsibility)
Director of Commercial Services £75,000 - £80,000 £24,491 1:3.3 (at maximum of salary band)
Director of Finance £82,500 including market supplement £24,491 1:3.4

Professional fees, where membership of a particular professional organisation is required by the Director to carry out the full role of the post will be reimbursed. Only the Director of Finance will have their professional fees reimbursed ad the postholder must be a member of the ICAEW in order to carry out the full role of the post.

Service Leads

Reporting directly to the relevant Director are eight of Service Leads and a Deputy Director of Finance employed by Chorley Council, some of whom are responsible for a shared services with South Ribble Borough Council (SRBC). Details of their remuneration and shared service status is below:

Service Lead Shared services with South Ribble Borough Council Salary Ratio to median salary of £24,491
Shared Service Lead ICT Yes £61,500 including market supplement 1:2.5
Shared Service Lead Transformation & Partnerships Yes £61,650 1:2.5
Shared Service Lead Customer Services Yes £58,000 1:2.4
Deputy Director of Finance Yes £61,650  
Service Lead Planning No* £56,882  
Service Lead Spatial Planning No* £56,882  
Service Lead Communities No* £54,663  
Service Lead Commercial & Assets No* £54,663  
Service Lead Development & Business No* £54,663  

* These services are not currently shared, however, the postholders do report to a Shared Director.

The level of pay for the Service Leads was set with regard to:

  • the wide range of functions which the Directors are responsible for.
  • market analysis of similar posts within other local authorities.
  • those posts which work across Chorley Council and South Ribble Borough Council.
  • further details regarding the rationale for the specific Service Lead posts is at the end of this policy.
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