Representations under the Licensing Act - Making a representation

Only representations that relate to at least 1 of the 4 licensing objectives can be considered. Those objectives are:

  • prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • protection of children from harm.

Representations must:

  • be made in writing
  • contain your name and full address
  • set out the likely effects that the grant of the application would have on the promotion of at least 1 of the licensing objectives
  • must clearly relate to the premises for which application is being made.

For example, representations on the basis of general noise and disturbance, without evidence of a causal link to specific premises, are unlikely to be persuasive.

It will be for the person making the representation to show reasons why the grant of the application is likely to have an effect on them or their business, and show authority to act if they make a representation to an application on behalf of a body representing others, such as a residents' or business association.

The only exception to these general rules will be where the premises are in a specific stress area identified by the Licensing Policy, where the presumption of grant is rebuttable.

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