Representations under the Licensing Act - Relevant representations

A copy of the representation will be sent to the applicant and, if necessary, arrangements will be made for the our Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee to hear the application and the representations made to it. Hearings will take place in public, although the Sub-Committee may, in certain instances, decide that it is in the public interest to hold hearings in private.

The details of all valid representations (including the names and addresses of those making representations) will be included in a report that we will prepare for the hearing. These reports are public documents and we are required by law to publish them. 

All who have made representations will be invited to attend any hearing, as will the applicant. 

Any person or responsible authority may be assisted or represented by any person at the hearing regardless of whether that person is legally qualified.

We will notify everyone of the date and time of the hearing and provide details of the procedure to be followed at the hearing. Only persons that have made a relevant representation, or their representative, can present evidence. Any new evidence should be served on all the parties to the hearing before the hearing date to allow proper consideration.

At the hearing the Sub-Committee will decide whether to grant the application in full or in part, and if granted what conditions should be imposed on the licence. The papers relating to any hearing will be published online. View Licensing Sub-Committee meeting agenda and minutes.

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