Fees and charges

Fees are set by the council to recover the full cost of delivering the bereavement service. Fees are reviewed at least annually and approved by Executive Cabinet. View more information on Berevement Services and Charges.

Any payment due is required in full in advance unless a funeral director is arranging the funeral.

Fees are different for residents and non residents. A resident is considered to be:

  • a permanent occupier of a residential property within the borough of Chorley or a payer of Council Tax to Chorley Council
  • someone who purchased the grave whilst living in the borough or have lived in the borough for 10 years of adult life (adult being 16 years or over) or are the parent, child or spouse of a resident
  • for interments in public graves every person who has no other place of abode and passes away within the borough.

The Executive Member with responsibility for Cemeteries can in exceptional circumstances waive the non resident fee.

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