
The cemeteries are managed in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities' Cemeteries Order 1977 under which burial authorities are responsible for maintaining statutory burial registers and grave plans, establishing rules and regulations relating to the management of the cemeteries and the memorials permitted within them and setting fees for burials and memorials.

Management of the cemeteries is also subject to all other relevant legislation or regulations issued with regard to interments in burial grounds or cemeteries.

The cemeteries covered by this policy are Chorley Cemetery and Adlington Cemetery. Both of the cemeteries are lawn cemeteries and are divided into Established Church, Roman Catholic and Dissenter or Non-conformist sections. Chorley Cemetery also has a Garden of Remembrance, a baby section, a family ashes section and a Muslim section.

The policy applies to burials in the cemeteries. The scattering of ashes is not permitted.

Chorley Council may make alterations or additions to this policy and the fees and charges.

The instructions of the council should be followed at all times.

The policy has been agreed by the council's Executive Cabinet and will be reviewed as required in response to changes in legislation or other guidance.

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