Local Land Charge search

We are experiencing technical difficulties at present which is affecting all searches. This is currently being investigated by our supplier. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

When buying a property or piece of land, your solicitor will submit a local land charges search to us, which will show if there are any legal restrictions affecting the land or property.

We will investigate any restrictions and bring all the information together in the form of a local authority search. The information is collected from different council departments including planning, building control and environmental health in addition to information from Lancashire County Council highways.

We do not provide drainage and water searches or mining searches. 

Please select the options below for further information.

Types of Land Charges searches avaliable

Land Charges search fees

Make a Land Charge search online

For further information regarding Local Searches and the Local Land Charges Register, please contact the Local Land Charges team by email to landcharges@chorley.gov.uk.

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