5 characteristics of a cultivated allotment

  • The plot is tidy and relatively weed free.

This means that tools are tidied away, rubbish is removed and within reason, pathways outside your plot are kept clear. Everyone has the odd weed or three, so they are not expected to keep the plot totally weed free, but if the weeds are beginning to hide the plants or setting seed, the plot is in need of urgent attention. There should be no more than could be removed in an hour or so. 

  • The plants on your plot are healthy

Planting should be ordered and organised to ensure a good crop. Plants should be at least watered regularly, pruned as necessary and removed if they are failing. 

  • Plants are yielding a crop

Healthy plants will produce a good crop. In season, plants should be producing fruit, vegetables and flowers. Not all plants will produce in abundance. 

  • Crops are harvested

The harvest is not left on the plants to rot.  Fruit and vegetables are picked, windfalls are tidied. 

  • After the harvest

Plants are dug out and the ground is prepared for the new season. When the season is at an end, plants which have finished cropping should be dug out or pruned back, ready for the winter. Plots should be dug over and prepared for the next season as appropriate. 

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