Enforcement procedures

Should you not cultivate your plot or allow it to become overgrown Chorley Council will instigate enforcement procedures which may result in your tenancy being terminated.

Plot inspection 1: the plot is inspected and if it is the opinion of the inspector that the plot is uncultivated and poorly maintained a first email or phone call will be made to the plot holder giving a reasonable amount of time to make good their plot, but not longer than 4 weeks.

Plot Inspection 2: when the time has elapsed for the allotment holder to make good their allotment the plot will be inspected again and if the plot is in good order the enforcement procedure will be halted. If on inspection the plot is still in a poor state of cultivation and maintenance, a Notice Letter will be sent to the plot holder. The letter will again give the plot holder a reasonable period of time to make good their plot. The length of time will be no longer than 4 weeks

Plot inspection 3: when the period of time from the letter has elapsed for the allotment holder to make good their allotment another inspection will be made. If the plot is still in the opinion of the inspector to be poorly maintained and uncultivated a notice to quit / termination will be issued, this gives the plot holder 14 days to remove all their possessions from the allotment plot and the allotment will be then re-let. Any outstanding rent will be charged. 

If an allotment holder receives a third second stage tidy up letter within any 2 year period they will immediately be issued with a termination notice. 

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