Small community grant funding

The small community grant fund is now open - deadline for applications is Friday 12th July

Funding of up to a maximum of £500 is available.

We recognise the valuable role that voluntary, community and faith groups play in enhancing the life of the people of Chorley. We are committed to supporting local groups and organisations across Chorley to access opportunities and secure funding to improve services and facilities in your local area. 

What are we looking to fund?

Applications should aim to enhance the life of people in Chorley and support better outcomes for our residents. Funding will particularly look to enable groups to react to the current challenges that our communities are experiencing. Projects could focus on:

  • providing opportunities that address food poverty
  • providing opportunities that help encourage residents to be more active
  • coordinating employment or education opportunities
  • making residents more digitally connected
  • providing peer support opportunities for those experiencing difficulties
  • providing opportunities to addresses social isolation
  • support for those experiencing financial hardship

Who can apply?

  • voluntary, community and faith sector groups operating within Chorley
  • groups with a bank account
  • groups who have not had a Councillor Community Grant awarded this year
  • individuals cannot apply
  • funding awarded must be used by the end of March 2025

Apply for the Small Community Grant Fund

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