Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund

The Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant fund is now closed and will reopen in late July 2024. Please check back to this page for more details. 

The Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund aims to support residents by providing opportunity to access high quality, entry level, low-cost or free activity to improve health and wellbeing outcomes. 

What we are looking to fund

  • an 8 week activity programme designed to support adults into health and wellbeing promoting activity
  • free or very low-cost activity
  • targetting inactive adults, or adults who are experiencing financial barriers to accessing activity, or both.
  • we encourage a holistic approach to defining health and wellbeing activity, and will consider less traditional approaches. 
  • the purpose of this grant fund is to offer a broad range of activity across the borough to support adults into health and wellbeing supporting activity. There will be a preference for funding provision that provides sustainable routes into activity beyond the stipulated 8 week delivery window. The funding period is between 1st August and 30th November - applications will be considered as they are received, within the context of ensuring diverse provision in all areas of Chorley.

Who can apply?

  • voluntary, community and faith sector groups, CICs, social enterprises and businesses operating within Chorley
  • groups with a bank account
  • individuals cannot apply

Applying for funding

A grant of up to a £650 maximum is available to apply for.

Before applying please read the grant fund specification: Adult Health and Wellbeing Activity Grant Fund 2023

To apply please complete the application form and return to Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund Application Form

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