Housing where residents can live well

"Access to clean, safe and decent homes should be the starting point, not an aspiration"

Our commitment

  • deliver affordable and energy efficient housing
  • strive for good quality housing for all
  • work with partners supporting new ways to prevent homelessness
  • support our most vulnerable residents

We will

  • Refresh the Prevention of Homelessness Strategy - By working with partners to address existing and emerging issues
  • Develop and Deliver a Plan to Improve Housing Standards Across the Borough - To drive improvements in housing standards
  • Deliver the Home Energy Support Scheme - Including practical support to install energy saving measures
  • Refresh the Housing Strategy - To ensure that everyone in the borough is able to live in good quality and suitable homes
  • Deliver the Local Plan - Provide a clear plan for development

Measuring success

  • number of long-term empty properties in the borough
  • % of households living in fuel poverty 
  • number of affordable homes delivered
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