A green and sustainable borough

"Green is about being responsible now for tomorrow's future"

Our commitment

  • work towards our commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030
  • support waste reduction, reuse and recycling
  • work with partners to retain natural habitats and improve air quality
  • promote sustainable transport and infrastructure

We will

  • Continue to deliver improvements to Chorley's Bus Shelter Network - Improve bus shelters and introduce green shelters to enhance biodiversity
  • Increase the Number of Parks with a Green Flag Status - Enhance local parks and natural habitats
  • Deliver the Business Energy Support Scheme to Boost Businesses Across the Borough - Providing support and advice on energy adaptations and potential improvement grants
  • Deliver a Rural Business Support and Grant Scheme - Create specific support packages for rural businesses
  • Maintain and Improve Council Buildings - To create a modern environment and attractive workspace to support the way we work
  • Develop and Deliver a Plan to Improve Chorley Bus Station - Provide a key transport hub as well as welcoming visitors to the town centre

Measuring success

  • number of bus shelters Improved
  • number of trees planted
  • number of improvements to parks, open spaces and playing pitches linked to strategy delivery
  • % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling or composting
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