Healthy, safe and engaged communities

"Across the borough communities have the tools and ability to achieve their best"

Our commitment

  • support and encourage active lifestyles and health and wellbeing
  • support development of leisure services and facilities meeting the needs of residents
  • deliver events and places to go for everyone
  • ensure all residents of all ages can access the services they need, physically and digitally
  • promote resilient, cohesive neighbourhoods by listening and responding 
  • work with partners to join up public services so that they make sense for everyone

We will

  • Launch an Enhanced Social Prescribing Service Focussed on Supporting Family and Early Years -Taking an early action and prevention approach to support at families and children
  • Deliver the Cost of Living Action Plan - By providing a range of support and intervention including food and fuel poverty, debt and housing
  • Deliver a Health and Wellbeing Programme to Support the Needs of Residents Across the Borough - Develop a community-based health and wellbeing programme
  • Delivery of a Borough Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan - Work with our partners and businesses to tackle issues quickly and effectively
  • Refresh and Deliver the Transformation Programme - Respond to significant national, regional and local challenges effectively

Measuring success

  • the number of visits to council leisure centres
  • average improvement in wellbeing score following support from the council
  • average % reduction in GP appointments following support from the council
  • % of service requests received online
  • % of customers dissatisfied with the service they have received from the Council
  • % increase in visitor numbers
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