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Market Regulations

APPENDIX 10 Electronic Cigarette Policy

Chorley Council Electronic Cigarette Policy (applied to all council owned facilities)

Whilst it is recognised that E-cigs (electronic cigarettes) do not normally contain tobacco and generally produce a short-lasting vapour rather than smoke, so currently fall outside the remit of 'smoke free' legislation the Council does not permit the use of e-cigs and other similar devices on Council owned facilities for the following reasons:

  • the regulatory status of e-cigs re. quality standards / control etc. is unclear, so there may be many different e-cigs on the market, possibly made with a wide range of quality standards - and differing ingredients
  • the BMA published concerns in March 2012, that some e-cigs may contain toxic and / or carcinogenic ingredients, in addition to the 'normal' ingredient - liquid nicotine
  • e-cigs generally produce a small amount of visible vapour (albeit relatively odourless and short lived) - but there is little information regarding the effects of this vapour
  • the NHS does not currently promote or prescribe e-cigs as 'smoking cessation aids', as they feel there is insufficient clinical information available to support that stance
  • at this stage there is little, if any, definitive information to support the statement that e-cigs are 'safe' per se
  • as e-cigs look very like cigarettes, permitting their use would lead to confusion and possibly confrontation

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