Weather Warnings
To provide guidance on when the Flat Iron market (and covered market gazebos) will / will not be cancelled in advance we will endeavour to follow the MET office official warnings at, 4pm the day prior, as described below:
- GREEN - Full Market as usual.
- YELLOW - Be Aware. The market may be affected (delayed / reduced / cancelled) but will only be determined by Market Management on the morning itself.
- ORANGE - Be Prepared. The market is likely to be affected (delayed / reduced / cancelled) but will only be determined on the morning itself. If limited positions are deemed safe to occupy, traders with perishable goods will be accommodated wherever possible.
- RED - Take Action. The market will be cancelled in full. No trader should attend and full credits will be issued.
Please be mindful that conditions do vary throughout the day and decisions to cancel may be taken if RED conditions are forecast at any time during the trading day. Similarly, if conditions deteriorate midway through the day a decision may be taken to close early in order that the stalls can be dismantled safely. Trading past 12noon constitutes a trading day with full charges made