The Licence Fee for Permanent Traders together with any other charges shall be due on the monthly instalment date (usually 15th of month).
The first arrears warning will be generated automatically 21 days after the instalment due date (first week of following month) for any payments not cleared.
Upon payment not being received within 10 days after the issue of the warning letter (~1 month after original instalment date) a suspension letter will be issued and the recurring Daily Licence will not be issued until such time as payments are brought up to date.
Notwithstanding the above, if arrears are still outstanding by the end of the month following the original instalment date (~6 weeks later) the recurring Daily Licence will not be issued again to the Daily Licence Holder and the Stall will be reallocated to another Trader. The Daily Licence Holder will be liable for any cost incurred in reinstating the Stall(s). This cost may be referred to a Debt Collection Agency for recovery and any additional costs incurred in the recovery of the debt will be added to the sum payable.
It is the Permanent Traders responsibility to make arrangements for the Licence Fee and any other applicable charges to be paid in advance of any holiday / period of absence which would trigger the debt recovery process.
The Permanent Trader will be liable for any additional charges that are made for the production of any letters related to the pursuance of any arrears (see Appendix 7).
Any invoice issued not in accordance with paragraph 19 should be settled within 30 days of invoice date.