No Stall shall be altered or extended in any way without the consent of Market Management.
A standard external pitch is determined by the footprint within a double gazebo (6m x 3m).
The granting of consent by Market Management for Traders to place goods, property, other items or structures beyond the curtilage of the Stall(s) is at sole discretion of Market Management and subject to an additional fee (see Appendix 7).
Goods and property shall not be displayed or deposited beyond the boundary of the Stall and the Trader must conduct business from within the perimeter of that Stall. Market Management reserves the right to remove goods or property displayed or deposited beyond the boundary of the Stall which in their opinion are causing a nuisance, obstruction or hazard. The goods or property shall be either placed within the boundary of the Stall or removed to storage; in the case of perishable goods Market Management reserves the right to dispose of these.