Corporate Strategy - Introduction

An updated Corporate Strategy was approved at the full Council meeting on the 21st November 2023.

The refreshed Corporate Strategy is committed to making sure that the council continues to support the borough to thrive, delivering excellent services and a thriving economy to ensure that residents are able to succeed. The high-level document maps out the four key priorities for the council, and the commitments in place to ensure the priorities are met. The priorities are:

  • Housing where residents can live well,
  • A green and sustainable borough,
  • An enterprising economy with vibrant local centres in urban and rural areas,
  • Healthy, safe and engaged communities.

New projects will drive forward action to benefit residents and businesses in every area of Chorley. Our commitment to the environment and doing more to address climate change remain central to our plans over the coming years with key actions identified this year.

View Corporate Strategy 2023/24

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