Amenity greenspace
Chorley has 131 amenity greenspace sites totalling 97 hectares equating to over 97 hectares of provision.
Proportionally, more provision is located in Chorley East (0.97 ha per 1,000 population) and Chorley West Analysis Areas (1.18 ha per 1,000 population) compared to Chorley Central Analysis Area (0.64 ha per 1,000 population). Fields in Trust guidance suggests a standard of 0.60 ha per 1,000 population and overall, Chorley has 0.85 ha per 1,000 population which exceeds this and spatially, there is a good distribution of amenity greenspace across the borough. Almost three quarters of amenity sites were assessed as above the threshold for quality. The majority of sites to score lower for quality is due to a lack of ancillary features such as benches or signage.
In addition to its multifunctional role, amenity greenspace makes a valuable contribution to visual aesthetics for communities and therefore all sites rate above the value threshold.