OSSR 2020-2036 Projects


Site name and reference. Ward Function/ Open Space Typology Brief Site Description Ownership What is needed Lead partner/Supp orting Partners Estimated costs where applicable
Tatton Recreation Ground Chorley East Provision for children and young people Play equipment and safety surfacing. Complete Aug 20 CBC Part of wider masterplan for the area Upgrade of play area. CBC £10,000 MHCLG funding and £10,000 CIL
Wymott Park Ulnes Walton Lostock Provision for children and young people Play equipment. Complete 2020 CBC Upgrade of the play equipment. CBC £8,000 MHCLG Funding. £13,500 S106
Longfield Avenue Coppull Provision for children and young people Play provision. Enhancement of the open space and play area in partnership with Jigsaw Homes. Complete June 21 CBC New fencing, gates, paths and play equipment in place along with enhanced road safety crossing. CBC/Jigsaw £99,000 Jigsaw Homes, S106 Chorley Council
Delph Way Whittle-le-Wood Provision for children and young people Play area within residential area. Complete 2020 CBC Additional equipment and new safety surfacing. CBC/Parish Council £24K S106 and Parish Council
Gough Lane Clayton Le Woods North Provision for children and young people Recreation area in need of additional play value for youths CBC New provision of a Bicycle Pump Track to increase play value for older youths CBC/Parish Council £40,000 S106 and grant funding
Lodge Bank Brinscall Wheelton and Withnell Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment. Complete Dec 20 CBC Play equipment replacement and surfacing of paths with tarmac CBC/Parish Council £56,000 grant funding, Chorley Council and Parish Council
The Meadows Play Area Chisnall Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment. Complete July 2020 Heskin PC/CBC Play equipment and access enhancement. Neighbourhood Priority. CBC/Parish Council £24,000 grant funding, Chorley Council and Parish Council
Manor Road Clayton le Woods and Whittle Le Woods Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment. Complete Oct 20 CBC Play equipment enhancement and installation of CCTV CBC/Parish Council £60,000 Chorley Council and Parish Council
Milestone Meadow Play Area Euxton North Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment. New benches installed Sept 2020 CBC Additional play equipment to enhance site an increase play value. CBC in consultation with Euxton Parish Council £70,000 S106
Abbey Village Wheelton Withnell Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment. Complete March 20 CBC Play equipment enhancement CBC/Parish Council £20,000 Chorley Council and Parish Council
Orchard Drive Pennine Provision for children and young people Recreation site and playing field with existing play equipment CBC Installation of playing field drainage and play area improvement CBC £37K S106 Play £15K S106 drainage
Jubilee Recreation Ground Adlington and Anderton Provision for children and young people Recreation ground. Complete Feb 21 CBC Additional play equipment to add to existing provision CBC £12,000 Chorley Council
Redwing Drive Play Area Chorley South West Provision for children and young people Play area. Complete 2020 CBC Equipment to replace broken roundabout and new wetpour CBC £8,500 Chorley Council
Middlewood Close Eccleston Provision for children and young people Play Area and open space within a housing estate. Complete July 21 CBC Upgrade of play equipment and safety surfacing and open space enhancement CBC £20,000 S106 and Chorley Council
Harvest Drive Clayton le Woods and Whittle Le Woods Provision for children and young people Play area in need of refurbishment within a housing estate. Complete 2020 CBC New play equipment and safety surfacing CBC £25K S106
Grey Heights View Chorley East Provision for children and young people Play area in need of refurbishment within a housing estate. Complete 2020 CBC New play equipment and safety surfacing CBC £25K S106 and Chorley Council
Broom Close Clayton le Woods and Whittle Le Woods Provision for children and young people Play area in need of refurbishment within a housing estate. Complete July 2020 CBC New play equipment and safety surfacing CBC £21K S106 and Chorley Council
Higher Meadow Play Area Clayton le Woods and Whittle Le Woods Provision for children and young people Play Open Space site with play equipment and MUGA. Complete 2020 Parish Council Play area refurbishment to replace old equipment for ages 2 - 12 Parish Council £70K grant and Parish Council
King George V Play Area Adlington Provision for children and young people Play Area within the recreation ground. Suffers from flooding CBC Regrade of play area in line with wider playing pitch enhancement CBC 70K+ S106 and grant funding
Millennium Green Play Area Mawdesley Provision for children and young people Millennium Green open space and play area. Complete April 21 Millennium Green Trust Upgrade of the play provision Millennium Green Trust/CBC £25K S106, Trust and Grant Funding
Westway Play Area Astley and Buckshaw Provision for children and young people New play area to complement sports hub CBC New play provision for ages 2 – 12 CBC/Astley Village Parish Council £100K+
Foxcote Play Area Astley and Buckshaw Provision for children and young people Existing play open space site on Astley Village CBC Upgrade of equipment with public consultation CBC £25K+ S106 and Chorley Council
Spurrier Square Play Area Chorley South East Provision for children and young people Play area within a residential area CBC Improvements to lighting, drainage and safety surfacing CBC £20K+
Mendip Road Play Area Clayton-le-woods West and Cuerden Provision for children and young people Play Area within residential area Onward Housing Enhancement of play provision Onward Housing £20,000 +
Jubilee Way Play Area, Croston Lostock Provision for children and young people Play Area within residential area. Complete July 21 Chorley Council Replacement multi unit and safety surfacing CBC £15,000
Buckshaw Village Car Parking Extension Astley and Buckshaw Amenity Landscaping and parking around the Hub to be enhanced Redrow/ RMG Increase car parking at the Hub to meet demand. Redrow/RMG/ CBC £78K
Wood End /Rowan Croft. KKP 1953 Clayton Amenity Woodland shelter belt through the residential area and path CBC Woodland management to the shelterbelt CBC £4K S106
The Cedars Chorley South West Amenity Access improvements. Complete 2020 CBC Resurfacing and installation of drainage to improve path access CBC £6K Chorley Council
Astley Village Village Centre Astley Village Amenity Open space adjacent to the shopping centre and Chancery Road. Complete 2020 Various Improvements to green space around Astley Village Centre. Neighbourhood Project Chorley Council Est. £2k Neighbourhood priority
Grafton Street Adlington and Anderton Amenity Former toddler play area, space retained as amenity. Complete 2020 CBC Returned to grassed area for informal play and enhance landscape CBC £2,500 Neighbourhood priority
KKP 1547 Yew Tree and Firtree Close Chorley South West Amenity Enhancement of gateways, ponds and footpaths. Complete 2020 CBC Upgrade of the amenity open space to improve access and visual image CBC £15K S106 and Chorley Council
Great Knowley Open Space Chorley North East Amenity Various open spaces linking through the residential area. Carleton Road and Sutton Grove CBC Improved lighting to open spaces, tree planting, orchard creation, path improvements, bulb planting. Oct 2020 CBC/ Community £15K. CIL and Chorley Council
Cripplegate Lane (opposite the Paddock Gib Lane) Hoghton and Brindle Amenity Pond and grassed open space CBC Site enhancement CBC £10,000. Chorley Council
The Ridings Clayton le Woods and Whittle Le Woods Amenity Open space with wooden animal sculpture. Complete 2020 CBC Cutting back of shrubbery and clearing of paths to enhance open space CBC £1,500 S106
Creation of Wildflower Meadows Borough Wide Amenity Improve the biodiversity of the Borough by creating wildflower areas and changing mowing regimes CBC Creating annual and perennial wildflower areas at strategic locations across the Borough and leaving grassland verges to grow wild. Ongoing project added to annually CBC Vary each year
Tatton Recreation Ground Chorley East Amenity Site enhancement in line with wider masterplan project to create an assisted living, community centre and pharmacy adj to the recreation ground CBC Redesign and rejuvenation of the recreation ground to planning approval of masterplan. CBC £328,000+ CIL/S106/capital
The Hawthorns Eccleston Amenity Small open space with play features in a housing estate Parish Council Enhancement of the open space and new play equipment Parish Council/CBC £15K S106 amenity £17K S106 play
New Tree Planting Brough Wide Amenity / Natural Semi Natural New tree planting in identified locations across the Borough to increase woodland cover by 2030 Partnership approach New tree planting across the Borough through Tree Action Plan delivery with stakeholders CBC/UU/EA/ Farmers/resid ents, parish council etc £100,000+
Invasive Non-Native Species Eradication Borough Wide Amenity / Natural Semi Natural Eradication of INNS across the Borough as an ongoing process Partnership approach Eradication of Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, Giant Hogweed, Rhododendron etc.. Training of volunteers and working with private landowners CBC/Douglas Catchment Partnership/L WT/ Parish Councils £5,000+ Chorley Council
Clayton Brook Village Centre Clayton Amenity Public Open Space, village centre Complete May 2021 CBC Upgraded tarmac path and landscaping to enhance village centre CBC £3,000 S106 and Chorley Council
Between Wood End Road / Bearswood Croft. KKP 1705 Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Shelterbelt, amenity grassland and footpath link CBC Upgrade the footpath link and resurface CBC £5,000 grant
Adj 3 Flag Lane Heath Charnock and Rivington Amenity Grassed open space CBC Tree planting location. Engage with residents. CBC £500 Chorley Council
Adjacent 57 Cowling Brow/Rear of Ridge Road. KKP 1543 Chorley East Amenity Grassed open space CBC Tree planting location CBC £500 Chorley Council
Opposite 208- 234 Preston Road Chorley North East Amenity Grassed verge with tree planting CBC Additional tree planting and perennial wildflower meadow CBC £500 within resources
Adjacent to Northgate Drive Chorley East Amenity Grassed verge and tree planting CBC Additional woodland planting CBC £500 within resources
Adj Lower Burgh Way, Eaves Green KKP 1550 Chorley South West Amenity Shelterbelt lining Lower Burgh Way and housing of Draperfield CBC Shelterbelt management to thin trees and plant more understory. CBC £1K within resources
Wilderswood Pond Clayton le Woods/ Whittle Le Woods Natural and Semi natural Pond and woodland area within a housing estate. Implementation of the ecological management plan CBC Implementation of management prescriptions. Complete 2021 CBC/LWT £10k grant funding and within resources
Yarrow Meadows Chorley South West Natural and Semi natural Natural Flood Management scheme, biodiversity and public access enhancements CBC Habitat creation, riverbank stablisation and path creation and access enhancement. Tree planting. March 21 CBC/EA/LWT £80K+ S106 and grant funding
The Willows, Eaves Green Chorley South East Natural/Semi -natural Open space linking to Yarrow Valley Country Park. Complete Aug 2020 CBC Formalization of the open space with new paths, seating, tree planting, pond creation and habitat enhancement CBC £58K S160
Plock Wood Eaves Green Chorley South Natural and Semi natural Natural woodland. Complete April 2020 CBC Woodland path and bridge repairs. CBC £4,000 Chorley Council
Rear of Outterside Avenue Adlington Natural / Semi Natural Open space along river CBC Upgrade of path surfacing through the open space and landscaping. Potential for tree planting CBC £20K S106
Carr Brook and River Lostock. (off Radburn Brow) Whittle le Woods Natural and Semi natural Amenity open space Need to repair riverbank erosion and create flood storage capacity Complete 2021 CBC Flood defence improvements to amenity open space, natural revetment to riverbanks to prevent erosion. New footpath link from land 80m north of Swansey Lane into Carr Book Linear Park. Natural Flood Management CBC £98k grant funding
Rear of Firbank (Ransnap Woods) KKP1696 Euxton Amenity/ Natural Woodland with paths and bridges CBC Upgrade of the path surfacing when it needs enhancement and reduce erosion CBC £22K S106
All Seasons Raised bed/community garden Chorley Centra Allotment Previous site for raised beds and community food growing area behind the leisure centre which has been removed owing to deterioration and ASB issues CBC Subject to agreement look to renew this facility and upgrade security CBC £10k
Euxton Lane Allotments Euxton North Allotments Creation of a new allotment site within new housing estate. Complete July 2021 CBC leased to Euxton Parish Council Planning approval and site creation including paths, parking, community building, plot layout, sheds etc Euxton PC £150K Parish CIL and 10K S106
Harrison Road Allotments Adlington and Anderton Allotments Creation of a new allotment site behind the cemetery linked to cemetery extension CBC Design site and obtain planning permission CBC £50K S106 and Chorley Council
Adlington Cemetery Extension Adlington and Anderton Cemeteries Adlington cemetery is reaching capacity. CBC Cemetery Extension Feasibility Study, design, outline costs and permissions CBC £TBC
Chorley Cemetery Extension Chorley Cemeteries Chorley cemetery is reaching capacity CBC Cemetery Extension Feasibility Study, design, outline costs and permissions CBC £TBC
Orchard Gardens, Charnock Richard Chisnall Parks and Gardens Ongoing enhancement of the Open Space. Neighbourhood Priority Project Charnock Richard PC Surfacing of paths through the open space. Re-location of the access and installation of a drop kerb to serve the car park. Hedgerow planting and pedestrian gate. Tree planting. Chorley Council/Parish Council Est £80K
Astley Park Chorley Parks and Gardens Public Park Chorley Council Lighting to the main drive and key areas to increase safety Chorley Council £140,000 Chorley Council
Adlington War memorial Adlington Civic Space Civic space CBC/Town Council To provide permanent lighting scheme Neighbourhood priority Chorley Council/Town Council £5K Neighbourhood Priority
Westway Playing Fields Astley and Buckshaw Football Athletics Previously poor-quality grass pitches and no ancillary facility. In the process of developing a multi sports hub site. The development includes one adult, two 9v9 grass football pitch and one full sized floodlit 3G pitch. CBC Development of a sports hub including pavilion, car park and access, overspill car park, AGP and grass pitch improvements, athletics provision. Complete July 21 Also new play area.


£2.6M. S106 and 600k FF funding
Kem Mill Lane Whittle le Woods Football Car Park and pitch improvement works. CBC Construction of car park to enhance football club facilities. Pitch reinstatement, improvement and drainage works CBC £69K S106
King George V Field Adlington Football One youth 11v11, two youth 9v9, two mini 7v7 and two mini 5v5 pitches all of which are poor quality. poor quality ancillary facilities. CBC Investigate drainage system. Improve poor quality ancillary facilities. Potential to become a Hub site CBC/LFA/FF Adlington Junior Sports Club Sec 106 monies Estimated £700k
Twin Lakes Playing Fields, Croston Lostock Football Playing Pitch Site. Complete Aug 21 Sports Club Pitch drainage scheme and site improvements to playing pitch. Grant agreement with club. Croston Juniors Football Club/CBC £48,000
Tatton Recreation Ground Chorley East Bowls One good quality bowling green which is maintained by Chorley Council. The green is not the primary home venue of a bowling club but is available for pay and play. CBC Maximize use and investigate whether the site could accommodate any demand from overplayed sites in the Area.Part of wider masterplan to regenerate the area. New bowls hut being built and the green fenced off Chorley Council BCGBA CIL, Capital plus staff resources
Wigan Lane Playing Field Chorley South East Archery / Football One poor quality youth 11v11 pitch which is played to capacity. Site has no changing provision. Site used by Chorley Bowmen for archery and also for junior football. CBC Improve pitch maintenance Provide archery facility Chorley Council Sport England £357 S106 and external funding
Pleasant View, Phyliss Nelson Memorial Garden Withnell and Brinscall Parks and Gardens Public open space Withnell PC leased from LCC Improvements to open space CBC/Withnell PC £10K S106
Heather Hill Cottage, Hill Top Lane Whittle-le-Woods Amenity Public open space CBC Improvements to open space, paths, woodland management. CBC £5,000 S106
Clayton Brook Development Project Clayton le Woods /Whittle Le Woods Amenity Upgrade of the precinct and open space round Clayton Brook. Various Landscape masterplan drawn up to improve the hub around the village centre CBC £100K Chorley Council and partners
Astley Village Public realm Enhancement Astley Village Amenity Original village centre infrastructure and landscaping requires upgrading CBC/ Leaseholder Enhancement of the village centre shopping precinct, new access and paving scheme, landscaping, tree planting and canopy maintenance   £170K Chorley Council and Partners
Lower Burgh Way /Draperfield KKP1549 Chorley South West Amenity Access route between residential areas, new surfaced path, boundary treatment and shelterbelt management CBC Improve the access through path resurfacing and new entrance gateways CBC £11K S106
Bothy Garden Withnell Fold Amenity Open Space landscaped with seating Parish council Improvements to open space CBC/Residents Association 12K S106
Memorial Garden Withnell Fold Amenity Open space, landscaped with paths, trees, seating and planting Parish Council Improvements to open space CBC/Residents Association £17K S106
Bank Hall, Bretherton Lostock Amenity Grounds of Bank Hall Trust Upgrade of the grounds of Bank Hall and restoration of the gardens Trust/CBC 50K+ grant funding and S106
Adj Near Meadow, Sandy Lane Clayton Amenity Open space with footpath CBC Upgrade of access by surfacing path Works to culvert CBC £10K S106
Rawlinson Lane/Wigan Lane Heath Charnock and Rivington Amenity Grassed open space Heath Charnock Parish Council Possible enhancement through wildflower meadow creation. retain open aspect to the land. CBC £3K S106
Rear of Chester Place/Croston Avenue Adlington and Anderton Amenity Grassed open space with trees Jigsaw Homes Improve site boundaries and landscape diversity Jigsaw/CBC £2,000 grant
Byron Crescent Coppull Amenity Grassed open space with community orchard Coppull Parish Council Enhance landscape biodiversity PC/CBC £2,000 S106
Between Heather Close and Eaves Lane Chorley East Amenity Grassed open space with paths running through and trees Management company Possible wildflower meadow location Management company £4,000 S106
Rosewood Close, Cowling. KKP 2016 Chorley Amenity Grassed open space used for informal play Management company Increase biodiversity of landscape Management company £2,000 S106
Adj Fairview Drive Adlington and Anderton Amenity Open space with trees and grass linked by path CBC Enhanced site maintenance - seasonal prescriptions CBC £2,000
Adj Gardenia Close/Preston Road Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Grassed open space with trees. Private Enhance for biodiversity, tree planting, grassland. Speak to landowner Private TBC
Land off Meadow Lane/Preston Road Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Existing timber boardwalk around the pond and native planting. Paths CBC Enhancement of boardwalk, Paths and tree planting CBC £15,000 S106
Adj 19 Holly Close. KKP 1706 Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Wooded open space through stream valley linking to housing estates CBC Enhancement of path and habitat CBC £8,000 S106
Off Back Lane/Woodend Road. KKP1710 Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Open space with paths and woodland shelterbelt CBC Shelter belt management CBC £4,000 S106
Adj 44 Long Acre Clayton-le-Woods North Amenity Open space within residential area with trees Housing association Improve for biodiversity Private £4,000 S106
Adj 94 Deerfold Asltey Village Amenity Open space with path through the middle and tree planting CBC Improve for biodiversity CBC £4,000 S106
Between 20 and 26 Riverside Crescent, Croston Walls, Castle Walk Lostock Amenity Open space with goal posts CBC Improve amenity value through tree planting, removal of old hedge, including of seating and picnic benches, new hedge and wildflowers CBC £5,000. S106, Neighbourhood priority funding and community group funding
Adj 80, Princess Way Euxton Amenity Open space as mown grass and trees. Very wet land that needs draining to be usable as amenity open space CBC Upgrade of informal play and tree planting/biodiversity enhancement. Land drainage CBC £15,000K + S106
Amber Drive Woodland Chorley East Natural and Semi natura Woodland CBC Woodland management, tree thinning, replanting and management of desire lines and public use CBC £5K S106
Plock Wood Eaves Green Chorley South Natural and Semi natural Natural woodland CBC Woodland management, bridge and step repairs. Path resurfacing. Drainage.INNS CBC £88K S106
Gillibrand, adj to Wallets Wood Court Chorley South West Natural and Semi natural Woodland CBC Woodland management CBC £5K S106
Rear of Larkfield, Eccleston. KKP 1669 Eccleston Natural and Semi natural Enhancement of public rights of way and habitat hedgerows Private / LCC PROW Upgrade the public footpath accesss and hedgerows Private / PROW S106 20K
Adj Euxton Hall Gardens. PROW 43. KKP1697 Euxton South Natural and Semi natural Woodland with public access Private Woodland management and path surfacing Private £20K S106
Library Road Skate Ramps Clayton Provision for children and young people Existing skate ramps at Clayton Green Parish Council Upgrade or replacement of the skate park Parish Council TBC S106, Parish Council
Hurst Brook Play Area Coppull Provision for children and young people Existing play area within a housing estate CBC Upgrade play equipment and safety surfacing CBC £80K S106 and grant funding
Redwood Drive Chorley South East Provision for children and young people Existing Play area Developer Upgrade of play equipment and safety surfacing Management Company £50,000 S106, grant and site owner
Redwing Drive Play Area Chorley South West Provision for children and young people Large play area on the Gillibrand estate CBC Refurbishment of the play area and new safety surfacing CBC £150,000 S106
Fell View Play Area Chorley East Provision for children and young people Existing play area and open space Places for People Enhancement of play area to include more equipment Places for people £30K S106
Byron Crescent Play Area and MUGA Coppull Provision for children and young people Play area site and MUGA Parish Council Upgrade of play area PC/CBC £50K S106
Play area opposite 14 Manor Way Coppull Provision for children and young people Play area within a residential area Developer Upgrade of play area, new equipment and safety surfacing Developer £30K+ S106
Play Area adj 5 Waterford Close Heath Charnock Provision for children and young people Play area within a residential area Developer Upgrade of play area, new equipment and safety surfacing Developer £20K+ S106
Bracken Close Chorley East Provision for children and young people Play area within a residential area Developer Upgrade of play area, new equipment and safety surfacing Developer £40K+ S106
Meadow Lane Play area off Preston Road Clayton-le-Woods North Provision for children and young people Play area within open space Clayton Parish Council Upgrade of play area, new equipment and safety surfacing Parish Council £25K S106
The Cherries Play Area Astley and Buckshaw Provision for children and young people Toddler play area within a residential area CBC Upgrade of play area, new equipment and safety surfacing CBC £30K S106
Clematis Close Play Area Astley and Buckshaw Provision for children and young people Toddler play area within a residential area Developer Persimmon Future upgrade of play area Persimmon £30K S106
Lodge Bank Brinscall Wheelton and Withnell Provision for children and young people Recreation site with existing play equipment CBC Play equipment replacement and replacement of bark chip with bound safety surfacing CBC/Parish Council £100,000 S106
The Willows Play Area Chorley South West Provision for children and young people Play area within residential housing estate CBC Future upgrade and new safety surfacing CBC £100,000 S106
Fairview Play Area Adlington Provision for children and young people Play area at community centre CBC Future upgrade and new safety surfacing CBC £100,000 S106
Former railway line Harpers Lane Chorley East Green Corridor Open space with paths through linear park CBC Enhancement for biodiversity CBC £10,000 S106
Leeds Liverpool Canal Network in Chorley Borough Chorley Green Corridor Enhancement of the canal tow path network from Wheelton through to Adlington. Canal and Rivers Trust Enhancement for recreation and biodiversity Canal and Rivers Trust CBC Parish, Town Councils £100,000 S106 /CIL and external funding
Astley Park Chorley North West Football Two adult 11v11 and two youth 11v11 all of which are poor quality. CBC Improve pitch quality through either enhanced level of maintenance or implementation of a drainage system based upon strategic evidence CBC
Medium (£50- £250k)
Astley Park Chorley North West Bowls Two good quality bowling greens, which are managed and maintained by Chorley Council. Low membership across the two greens. CBC The viability of the greens should be examined given no home team use them. Chorley Council BCGBA Low (£-less than £50k)
Astley Park Chorley North West Tennis Three standard quality macadam courts which are available for community use but are not floodlit. CBC Prolong court lifespan through a robust maintenance plan. Explore potential options to increase community usage by creating a more efficient access system such as Clubspark in order to actualise latent demand. LTA
Chorley Council
Medium (£50- £250k)
Astley Park   Recreation Destination play area. Ongoing upgrades required owing to popularity of the site. Rolling programme CBC Play area safety surfacing replacement and installation of new equipment and additional equipment to upgrade provision. CBC £100,000 S106
Gillett Fields, Limbrick Chorley South East Football One poor quality adult pitch which has spare capacity retained to protect pitch quality. Pitch is available for community use but is unused. Site has no changing provision. Duel hub also with Cricket Field. CBC Improve pitch quality Investigate drainage system Identify a club suitable to use the site or examine the strategic need to invest in improving pitch quality or sustaining as formal sports provision. Chorley Council LFA
Jubilee Playing Field Adlington Football Two youth 11v11pitches which are standard quality. Pitches have actual spare capacity of 1.5 match equivalent sessions per week. Bridge Celtic FC need ancillary facilities as there are no purpose-built changing facilities. CBC Sustain pitch quality Assist in the development ancillary facilities for Bridge Celtic FC Chorley Council Sports Club
Sec 106
Brinscall Village Junior Football Club
BWARA Sandy Lane
Brinscall Football Brinscall Junior Football Club. Ambition to expand the number of grass pitches. Standard adult pitch overmarked as cricket outfield. Aspiration to improve pitch drainage Standard 9v9 played to capacity. Improve pitch quality BJFC/landowner Create a new pitch on adjacent land, secure tenature. Sustain pitch quality Improve pitch quality through regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work BJFC
Sports Club
Staff resources to monitor
Chisnall Lane - Chorley Panthers Rugby League Chisnall Rugby League Two senior pitches; one junior and one primary pitch all of which are good quality. One senior pitch is floodlit Sports Club Sustain pitch quality by continuing with the current maintenance regime. Install floodlighting on additional pitches to reduce the current levels of overplay on the site’s one floodlit pitch. Support the Club’s bid for funding to improve the clubhouse provision on site. Explore the feasibility for a potential RFL Community Standard 3G pitch, with the option of also making the pitch WR compliant to accommodate demand from Chorley RFC. Sports Club RFL
Chorley Council RFU
Within Existing Resources/Grant Funding
Chisnall Lane - Chorley Panthers Rugby League Chisnall Rugby union One good quality senior rugby union pitch which is not floodlit and is a dual use with rugby league. Spare capacity discounted due to dual use. Pitch is used by Chorley RFC temporarily Sports Club Explore whether Chorley RFC could obtain a long -term agreement from Chorley Panthers ARLFC to access the site for both match demand and training Sports Club RFL
Chorley Council RFU
Charnock Richard Football Club (Mossie Park) Chisnall Football Two good quality adult pitches have spare capacity of 0.5 MES per week. One adult pitch is suitable for Step 5 football with the other pitch overmarked on a cricket outfield. Charnock Richards FC has aspirations to make improvements to ancillary facilities. Due to recent success the Club has spent money upgrading the facilities to make them adhere for Step 5 football, however, if promoted it would struggle to make further improvements. Sports Club      
Charnock Richard Football Club (Mossie Park) Chisnall Cricket A good quality grass cricket square with six wickets. Square has minimal spare capacity which is not enough to accommodate any additional senior demand. Site is used by Charnock St James CC. The Club has unsecure tenure, rents from leaseholder Charnock Richard FC. There are football pitches located on the cricket outfield. The Club report a need for additional training facilities. Sports Club Sustain square quality through dedicated levels of maintenance and remedial work. Explore the feasibility of formalising security of tenure for Charnock St James CC. Assist the Club in acquiring additional training facilities. Sports Club ECB Staff resources to monitor
Holy Cross Chorley South East Rugby league One standard quality senior pitch which is available for community use but is currently unused. Pitch has spare capacity discounted due to unsecure tenure. Education Sustain quality and retain as available for community use. Rugby League Education Within Existing Resources
Holy Cross Chorley South East Hockey One standard quality full size floodlit hockey suitable AGP. The pitch was built in 2006 and is available for community use. There is no usage from community hockey clubs. Pitch has exceeded its recommended lifespan. Pitch has spare capacity to accommodate hockey demand. Education Monitor pitch deterioration Resurface the pitch Encourage provider to establish a mechanism for long-term sustainability such as a sinking fund. Retain the pitch whilst the hockey suitable AGP at BVCA is improved. Education Within Existing Resources
Holy Cross Chorley South East Tennis Two poor quality macadam courts which are not floodlit and are unavailable for community use. Education Seek to improve court quality through resurfacing. Education  
Victory Park - Chorley FC Chorley South East Football One good quality adult pitch which has minimal spare capacity retained. Chorley FC has recently (2018) acquired a 15-year lease for the site. Requires improvements to changing rooms, floodlighting, official’s rooms, plumbing and stadium seating. Sports Club Sustain pitch maintenance Explore funding for ancillary facilities. Ensure ancillary facilities and playing provision is suitable for Step 2 football. Examine the requirements needed for the Club to progress through the football pyramid. Explore feasibility of converting to hybrid pitch to increase capacity. Sports Club LFA FF Staff resources to monitor
Rivington and Blackrod High School (upper School) Heath Charnock & Rivington Football Two youth 11v11 pitches and one youth 9v9 pitch all of which are standard quality. The youth 9v9 pitch is overplayed by one match equivalent session per week whereas the youth 11v11 pitches have spare capacity discounted due to unsecure tenure. Pitches are available and used by the community. Education Sustain pitch quality better sustain levels of school and community use. Ensure security of tenure for community users via community use agreement. LTA
Staff resources to monitor
Rivington and Blackrod High School (upper School) Heath Charnock & Rivington Tennis Six good quality macadam courts which are available for community use and are flood Education Sustain good court quality. Explore potential options to establish community usage LTA Education Within Existing Resources
Gough Lane Great Green's Lane Playing Pitch Clayton Le Woods North Football One standard quality youth 9v9 pitch which has actual spare capacity of 0.5 match equivalent sessions available per week. Site does not have any changing rooms. CBC Examine if demand can be relocated to another site and examine strategic need to retain the pitch. Chorley Council LFA
Within Existing Resources
Hoghton Village Hall Brindle and Hoghton Football One standard quality mini 7v7 pitch which is available for community use but is currently unused. Actual spare capacity of one match equivalent session per week. Sports Club As pitch is currently unused examine if it still needs to be maintained as formal pitch provision. Chorley Council LFA
Within Existing Resources
Coronation Recreation Ground, Devonshire Road Chorley North Football One good quality macadam court which is available for community use but is not floodlit. CBC Explore options to increase community usage by creating a more efficient access system such as Clubspark in order to actualise latent demand. LTA
Chorley Council
Revenue costs of software
Fairview Youth and Community Centre Adlington and Anderton Football One mini 7v7 and one mini 5v5 pitch both of which are standard quality. Pitches are available but are unused. Maintained by Chorley Council. Community association Sustain pitch quality Utilise actual spare capacity via the transfer of demand from overplayed sites or through future demand. Chorley Council LFA
Within Existing Resources
Gillibrand Playing Pitches Chorley South West Football Two youth 9v9 and one mini 7v7 pitch all of which are good quality. Site is accompanied by good quality changing provision. CBC Sustain pitch quality Utilise actual spare capacity via the transfer of demand from overplayed sites or through future demand. Chorley Council LFA
Within Existing Resources
Clayton Green Sports Centre Clayton le Wood North Football One floodlit small sized 3G pitch which is standard quality and available for community use. CBC Sustain quality and retain as current use. Chorley Council LFA
Within Existing Resources
Harpers Lane Recreation Ground Chorley North East Bowls One good quality bowling green. The site is maintained by Chorley Council but is the home venue of Harpers Lane Rec BC and has minimal capacity for additional demand. CBC Sustain the quality of the green by continuing with the current maintenance regime. Chorley Council BCGBA Within Existing Resources
Harpers Lane Recreation Ground Chorley North East Cycling A BMX pump track created in 2018 to service local demand. CBC Sustain quality through appropriate maintenance and retain as current use. British Cycling Chorley Council Within Existing Resources
Highfield Primary School Chorley Football One poor quality football pitch. LCC Carry out a pitch drainage project to enable the site to be lease for community use Chorley Council /LCC/School £45K S106
Parklands High School Chorley Football One youth 11v11 and one youth 9v9 pitch both of which are standard quality. Spare capacity discounted due to unsecure tenure. Available for community use but currently unused. Education Improve pitch quality through enhanced levels of maintenance and retain as current use. Education
Staff resources to monitor
Parklands High School Chorley Rugby League One poor quality senior pitch which is available for community use. Pitch is at capacity from curricular and extracurricular demand. Education Improve pitch quality through enhanced levels of maintenance and retain as available for community use. RFL Education Staff resources to monitor
Parklands High School Chorley Hockey One poor quality full size floodlit hockey suitable AGP. The pitch was built in 2014 and has limited community use due to its current quality. There are issues with carpet pulling up creating an uneven surface. The School is in the process of contacting the business which installed the pitch to amend the problem. Spare capacity has been discounted due to poor quality. Education Assist the School in resolving pitch quality issues. Encourage the provider to establish a mechanism for long-term sustainability such as a sinking fund. Resurface the pitch as a hockey suitable surface. EH Education Staff resources to monitor
Parklands High School Chorley Tennis Two poor quality macadam courts which are not floodlit and are unavailable for community use. The site has seen a recent reduction of four to two courts as a classroom has been built in this area. Education Seek to improve court quality through resurfacing to better sustain curricular and extracurricular demand. EH
Staff resources to monitor
Chorley Rugby Union Club Astley, Buckshaw Rugby Union Redevelop the site, including the clubhouse facility. Chorley RFC is proposed to have a five year lease the site from Chorley Community Trust on a five year rolling lease agreement, with five years notice required for termination once the site is in operation. Sports Club Re-establish two senior grass rugby union pitch with appropriate ancillary provision. Sports Club, RFU, Staff resources to monitor
Jim Fowlers Memorial Ground (Euxton Villa FC) Euxton Football Two standard quality adult pitches and one youth 9v9 and mini 7v7 pitch which are both poor quality. One adult pitch is suitable for Step 7 football. Adult pitches are overplayed by two match equivalent sessions per week, the youth 9v9 is overplayed by 1.5 match equivalent sessions per week and the mini 7v7 is overplayed by 5.5 match equivalent sessions per week. Site is used by Euxton Villa FC which have aspirations for a full size floodlit 3G pitch and to acquire additional land to create more pitches. Youth 9v9 pitch suffers from poor drainage. Maintenance equipment need upgrading. Sports Club the feasibility of improving poor drainage in order to alleviate overplay. Explore the feasibility of developing a full size 3G pitch. Assist Euxton Villa FC in upgrading its current maintenance equipment. Explore the feasibility of assisting Euxton Villa FC in acquiring additional land to create more pitches in order to alleviate overplay. Ensure ancillary facilities and playing provision is suitable for Step 7 football. Examine the requirements needed for the Club to progress through the football pyramid. Sports Club
Staff resources to monitor
Withnell Fold Sports and Social Club Pennine Tennis Two good quality macadam courts which are available for community use but are not floodlit. Site is used by Withnell Fold Sports & Social Club which has aspirations to for floodlighting. Accompanying ancillary facilities are poor quality. Courts have capacity to accommodate additional demand. Sports club Sustain good court quality through a dedicated maintenance regime. Utilise spare capacity to accommodate future and latent demand. Explore the feasibility of installing floodlights. Explore the feasibility of improving poor quality ancillary facilities. Sports Club
Staff resources to monitor
Buckshaw Village Community Facilities. (RMG) Whittle-le-Woods Football One adult and one youth 11v11 pitch both of which are standard quality. Youth 11v11 pitch is overplayed by two match equivalent sessions per week, whereas, the adult pitch has actual spare capacity of one match equivalent session per week. Management Company (RMG) Improve pitch quality through more regular enhanced maintenance and remedial work. Community Organisation
Staff resources to monitor
Buckshaw Village Community Facilities. (RMG) Whittle-le-Woods Hockey One poor quality full size floodlit hockey suitable AGP. The pitch was built in 2005 and is used by Leyland & Chorley HC. The Club rents the pitch annually. Pitch has exceeded its recommended lifespan. Spare capacity on the pitch is discounted due to its quality. Management Company As a priority, explore funding options to refurbish the pitch as a hockey suitable surface. Encourage the provider to establish a mechanism for long-term sustainability such as a sinking fund. Secure tenure for Leyland & Chorley HC through a long term lease or community use agreement ensuring it has enough access to meet its current and future demand requirements. 

Community Organisation
Sports Club

Staff resources to monitor
Eccleston The Green Eccleston Bowls One good quality bowling green. The site is managed by Eccleston BC and accommodates demand from both the Club and St Agnes BC. The green is overplayed by 61 participants. Sports Club Sustain the quality of the green by continuing with the current maintenance regime. There is a need for the demand on site to access a second green. Relocation of some of this demand is imperative to prevent a decline in green quality. Sports Club BCGBA

Staff resources to monitor

Wards Current population Parks & gardens   Natural & semi-natural greenspace   Amenity greenspace   Provision for children/ young people   Allotments  
    Hectares Hectares per 1,000 Hectares Hectares per 1,000 Hectares Hectares per 1,000 Hectares Hectares per 1,000 Hectares Hectares per 1,000
Chorley South East 7,951 1.88 0.24 - - 1.44 0.18 0.8 0.10 0.47 0.06
Chorley South West 9,399 - - 15.53 1.65 13.49 1.44 0.5 0.05 0.28 0.03
Clayton-le-Woods and Whittle-le-Wood 8,929 - - 9.15 1.02 6.01 0.67 0.58 0.06 0.58 0.06
Clayton-le-Woods North 7,059 - - 10.21 1.45 10.29 1.46 0.19 0.03 - -
Clayton-le-Woods West and Cuerden 4,911 - - 251.30 51.17 5.55 1.13 0.2 0.04 0.71 0.14
Coppull 6,747 0.78 0.12 8.82 1.31 2.4 0.36 0.69 0.10 - -
Eccleston and Mawdesley 6,527 2.86 0.44 4.40 0.67 4.76 0.73 0.89 0.14 - -
Euxton North 4,530 - - 2.16 0.48 1.97 0.43 0.29 0.06 - -
Euxton South 3,683 - - 0.47 0.13 5.8 1.57 0.3 0.08 - -
Heath Charnock and Rivington 2,112 146.15 69.20 - - 0.8 0.38 0.1 0.05 0.22 0.10
Lostock 6,530 - - 1.55 0.24 3.76 0.58 0.23 0.04 - -
Pennine 2,436 0.03 0.01 - - 3.29 1.35 0.19 0.08 0.68 0.28
Wheelton and Withnell 4,149 1.19 0.29 4.58 1.10 2.75 0.66 0.33 0.08 1.65 0.40
Total 115,772 196.52 1.70 733.81 6.34 97.66 0.84 10.49 0.09 7.54 0.07
Wards Population Parks & gardens   Natural & semi-natural greenspace   Amenity greenspace   Provision for children/ young people   Allotments  
    1.72   6.42   0.85   0.09   0.07  
    Current Surplus/ deficient Current Surplus/ deficient Current Surplus/ deficient Current Surplus/ deficient Current Surplus/ deficient
Adlington and Anderton 7,922 0.01 -1.71 0.08 -6.34 1.55 0.70 0.05 -0.04 - -0.07
Astley and Buckshaw 7,053 - -1.72 5.91 -0.51 2.32 1.47 - -0.09 - -0.07
Brindle and Hoghton 2,006 - -1.72 4.31 2.11 0.09 -0.76 - -0.09 - -0.07
Chisnall 4,141 0.06 -1.66 93.50 87.08 0.69 -0.16 0.74 0.65 0.11 0.04
Chorley East 7,291 0.20 -1.52 0.32 -6.10 0.29 -0.56 0.09 level 0.18 0.11
Chorley North East 6,398 0.22 -1.50 0.53 -5.89 0.25 -0.60 0.04 -0.05 0.06 -0.01
Chorley North West 5,998 6.74 5.02 0.47 -5.95 0.00 -0.85 0.13 0.04 0.15 0.08
Chorley South East 7,951 0.24 -1.48 0.00 -6.42 0.18 -0.67 0.10 0.01 0.06 -0.01
Chorley South West 9,399 - -1.72 1.65 -4.77 1.44 0.59 0.05 -0.04 0.03 -0.04
Clayton-le-Woods and Whittle-le-Wood 8,929 - -1.72 1.02 -5.40 0.67 -0.18 0.06 -0.03 0.06 -0.01
Clayton-le-Woods North 7,059 - -1.72 1.45 -4.97 1.46 0.61 0.03 -0.06 - -0.07
Clayton-le-Woods West and Cuerden 4,911 - -1.70 51.17 44.75 1.13 0.28 0.04 -0.05 0.14 0.07
Coppull 6,747 0.12 -1.60 1.31 -5.11 0.36 -0.49 0.10 0.01 - -0.07
Eccleston and Mawdesley 6,527 0.44 -1.28 0.67 -5.75 0.73 -0.12 0.14 0.05 - -0.07
Euxton North 4,530 - -1.72 0.48 -5.94 0.43 -0.42 0.06 -0.03 - -0.07
Euxton South 3,683 - -1.72 0.13 -6.29 1.57 0.72 0.08 -0.01 - -0.07
Heath Charnock and Rivington 2,112 69.20 67.48 0.00 -6.42 0.38 -0.47 0.05 -0.04 0.10 0.03
Lostock 6,530 - -1.72 0.24 -6.18 0.58 -0.27 0.04 -0.05 - -0.07
Pennine 2,436 0.01 -1.71 - -6.42 1.35 0.50 0.08 -0.01 0.28 0.21
Wheelton and Withnell 4,149 0.29 -1.43 1.10 -5.32 0.66 -0.19 0.08 -0.01
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