What will the Open Space Sports and Recreation Strategy do?

The vision for the Open Space, Sport and Recreation Strategy Action Plan is based on the Central Lancashire approach.

“To create high quality, sustainable outdoor sports, recreation and open space facilities which meet community need, increase participation, help tackle health issues and provide accessible, inclusive activities for Central Lancashire residents as part of an active lifestyle.”

To achieve this vision, this strategy action plan will guide investment and aim to deliver the following objectives;

  • protect - ensure that all valuable facilities are protected
  • promote - to promote a sustainable approach to the provision of playing pitches and management of sports clubs
  • meet demand - ensure that there are enough facilities in the right place to meet current and projected future demand
  • quality of facilities - ensure that all sports and recreation clubs have access to facilities of appropriate quality to meet current needs and longer-term aspirations.

As well as looking at the existing provision, the council needs to consider the future requirements for provision based upon population distribution, planned growth and consultation findings, which will shape the future provision of accessible and high-quality provision for open spaces

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