
  • capacity - the amount of play a site can regularly accommodate (in the relevant comparable unit) for community use without adversely affecting its quality and use. This is typically outlined by the NGB
  • overplay - when a pitch is used over the amount that the carrying capacity will allow, (i.e. more than the site can accommodate). Pitches have a limit of how much play they can accommodate over a certain period of time before their quality, and in turn their use, is adversely affected
  • Spare capacity - the amount of additional play that a pitch could potentially accommodate in additional to current activity. There may be reasons why this potential to accommodate additional play should not automatically be regarded as actual spare capacity, for example, a site may be managed to regularly operate slightly below its carrying capacity to ensure that it can cater for a number of friendly matches and training activity. This is investigated before the capacity is deemed actual spare capacity
  • Match equivalent sessions - an appropriate comparable unit for pitch usage. For football, rugby union and rugby league, pitches should relate to a typical week within the season and one match = one match equivalent session if it occurs every week or 0.5 match equivalent sessions if it occurs every other week (i.e. reflecting home and away fixtures). For cricket pitches, it is appropriate to look at the number of match equivalent sessions over the course of a season and one match = one match equivalent session
  • Displaced demand - relates to play by teams or other users of playing pitches from within the study area (i.e. from residents of the study area) which takes place outside of the area. This may be due to issues with the provision of pitches and ancillary facilities in the study area, just reflective of how the sports are played (e.g. at a central venue for the wider area) or due to the most convenient site for the respective users just falling outside of the local authority/study area
  • Unmet demand - demand that is known to exist but unable to be accommodated on current supply of pitches. This could be in the form of a team with access to a pitch for matches but nowhere to train or vice versa. This could also be due to the poor quality and therefore limited capacity of pitches in the area and/or a lack of provision and ancillary facilities which meet a certain standard of play/league requirement. League secretaries may be aware of some unmet demand as they may have declined applications from teams wishing to enter their competitions due to a lack of pitch provision which in turn is hindering the growth of the league.

Latent demand is demand that evidence suggests may be generated from the current population (i.e. sports clubs) should they have access to more or better provision.

3G Third Generation (artificial turf)
AGP Artificial Grass Pitch
CFA County Football Association
DCMS Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
ECB England and Wales Cricket Board
EH England Hockey
FA Football Association
FC Football Club
FF Football Foundation
FE Further Education
FIT Fields in Trust
GIS Geographical Information Systems
HE Higher Education
KKP Knight, Kavanagh and Page
LFA Lancashire County Football Association
LCF Lancashire Cricket Foundation
LTA Lawn Tennis Association
MES Match equivalent sessions
NGB National Governing Body
NPPF National Planning Policy Framework
PPS Playing Pitch Strategy
RFL Rugby Football League
RFU Rugby Football Union
RUFC Rugby union football club
S106 Section 106
SE Sport England
TBTT Transforming British Tennis Together
TGR Team generation rate
UK United Kingdom
WR World Rugby
BC Bowls Club
CC Cricket Club
FF Football Foundation
LFA Lancashire Football Association
CBC Chorley Borough Council
Education Lancashire County Council/School
CCH Chorley Community Housing
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