About the Open Space, Sports and Recreation Sites

The supporting evidence prepared by KKP for the three Central Lancashire councils provides the detail about what open space provision there is in the borough and its condition, the distribution of provision taking account of population across the borough, and the overall quality, based on the findings of the research, consultation, site assessments, data analysis and GIS mapping undertaken as part of the study.

The supporting evidence considers the supply and demand issues for open space provision across the area taking account of each typology and the action plan identifies the work required to retain, improve and enhance these various sites. There are hundreds of sites across the borough and the tables in Appendix A detail the different types of open space, its primary purpose and provides a list of the sites across Chorley. The typologies of open space are as follows:

Typology Primary purpose
Parks and gardens Accessible, high quality opportunities for informal recreation and community events.
Natural and semi-natural greenspaces Wildlife conservation, biodiversity and environmental education and awareness.
Amenity greenspace Opportunities for informal activities close to home or work or enhancement of the appearance of residential or other areas.
Provision for children and young people Areas designed primarily for play and social interaction involving children and young people, such as equipped play areas, MUGAs, skateboard areas and teenage shelters.
Allotments Opportunities for those people who wish to do so to grow their own produce as part of the long term promotion of sustainability, health and social inclusion.
Cemeteries, disused churchyards and other burial grounds Quiet contemplation and burial of the dead, often linked to the promotion of wildlife conservation and biodiversity.
Green corridors Areas or route which provide walking, cycling or horse riding, whether for leisure purposes or travel. May also offer opportunities for wildlife migration.
Civic Space Including civic and market squares, and other hard surfaced areas designed for pedestrians

The following outdoor sports facilities have been assessed to inform provision across the borough.

Football, Third Generation (3G) and Artificial Grass Pitches (AGP), Cricket, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Hockey, Golf, Bowls, Tennis, Athletics and Cycling.

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